
I am a black man. I did serve. I also said that I respect those who kneel and see no issue with it. What I take issue with is people on the root knocking Villanueva for coming out to honor the flag. Kneel all day, kneel every week, I’m down with it. But I’m also down for a man, a MINORITY no less, standing UP for what

You’d think a former Gawker property would learn after momma was killed by the Hulkster.

Wow, this story only proves that Smash players are a weird bunch.

You make valid points, however:

I understand where you’re coming from, but if tomorrow, someone told me my job was in jeopardy because of the racist remarks of my boss, I would really be scared about how to deal with “putting food on the table”.

It’s a feedback loop. They can call someone for mansplaining and if the man does ANYTHING other than politely accept the accusation, they are then further guilty of mansplaining. It’s a tactic to control the interaction. The example above is simply patronizing condescension and happens all the time to men/women by men

Dear Lifehacker,

White players who were smart enough to not bring around that circus. You think I like watching little kids get shot in my hometown? You think I like watching these cops with their corrupt inner circle get away over and over again. And forget the killings for a moment what doesn’t make the papers is all the other

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

Who keeps track of the day that someone else’s mother died?

Ultimate Infestation is fine. The taunt spawning card is fine.

The real problem is cards like Innervate and Nourish which allows the Druid to ramp up into those cards before other people have a chance to potentially counter them.

Nerubian Unraveller is a card I like to use, but by the time I’m at 6 mana to play it the

I.... have no idea where you’re going with that headline or this article?

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

There are more than two producers on the show. The two GoT guys are the big names, but it also includes the guy who helps produce Empire. So, no, this is not going to glorify slavery. It is going to have complex and interesting black characters.

“Had there been people of color in the room, someone could have said, ‘you know guys, I don’t think this is going to fly,’”

While I dont disagree with that assessment Im not sure how youre going to act like the shit he did wasnt fucked up and warrants being an outcast. Defending Vick is almost as bad as defending Cosby or R.Kelly, we dont have to ride with EVERY black person

You make it sound like people are only allowed to care about one thing.

And while Bigelow certainly delivered that sentiment, she missed a few marks.

If he had voted no on Tuesday then the Republicans could have come back with another plan. But because they decided to go with only needing 51 votes to pass they could only bring this up this time to vote. If they want to again it will need 60 votes to pass. So in order to fully kill it for this fiscal year McCain had