How mature and brave of you. Does your arm get tired from patting yourself on the back for such heroism? I deplore the president but his saying “give him a chance” is not an admission of support. By no means deplorable enough to never listen to a historically great comic again.
First kid comes in with Swag Level on Expert.
So, basically, Barron is autistic. Right?
Because the DNC is a shitty organization that is run by moronic party leaders that have absolutely no grasp on the values that their voting base desires in a candidate and instead gives someone a lifetime participation award in the form of a mismanaged and negligently uninformed presidential campaign?
Reason I read Gita’s articles for fairness, and steer clear of Cecilia’s.
thanks for reading
I’m Latino and gay... and couldn’t disagree more with your comment.
Nothing wrong here. Jokes are fun. Lighten up you fucking puritans.
B+ joke
Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.
Yeah, not sure why this is “noteworthy” and why someone dredged up a 4 year old tweet?
This is a distraction.
but noteworthy nonetheless.
Here’s our plan, from what I can tell:
Sonic was never good