
The movie came out 4 days ago.

I’m recovering from surgery. I am not yet able to get out and see the movie. So imagine my disappointment in seeing the title, knowing the comic history of the Civil War storyline and eager to see if the movie follows a similar path. That is what has been taken away, only 3 days after the movie has come out. That is

Fuck off. The world uses the words “SPOILER ALERT” when they are about to give one.

Samer, maybe you should grow up and learn from your co-workers at io9 and Kotaku. They avoid crap like this.

“Grow up?” Methinks Samer needs to take his own advice.

I follow this site daily so fuck off—spoilers are bullshit and you assholes knew what you were doing with the headline. So of course people object and what do you do? Double-down on the assholery, ‘natch. Fuck you, douche canoe.

“Grow up” – spoken like a true manbaby

It is a little too late for the Hawks to start getting defensive about Game 2.

Well apparently people can’t dislike Radiohead without being dipshits about it either.

Okay, I’m with you here, but you’ve got a snafu. “We need more hot girls like Rek’sai” is not a player berating Taliyah for not being conventionally sexy. Unless giant oozing, fanged, underground space-bugs are what you consider “conventionally sexy”, this person was clearly being sarcastic.

69 counts of indecent exposure? Nice.

This is how the gaming media promotes unhealthy and unrealistic body types.

Perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough, but I don’t think anyone is saying they deserved to die because they ran from cops. They died because they made a mistake. You can’t blame the officers for not risking their lives to save theirs. Police have an obligation to do whatever they can within reasonable limits, but

It's relevant when a family is trying to smear the police department and their deaths were in the commission of a crime.

The DUI police report was confusing. Too many mentions of a tall boy.

Little Ditty with Jo and dying.

Can they be changed to Apache Attack Helicopters? If not then I’m not represented and am 110% triggered.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

KIT SYMONS: We’re going to try to catfish the players.