
Just because it’s the norm doesn’t mean we should accept it. This shit can be changed, and it should be. This kind of stress makes food workers want to spit in your food or wipe their ass with it. Improved working conditions benefits everyone.

I call bullshit. Understanding bonds and investment principles has zero to do with the every day business of making ends meet for 99% of people. And that business about minorities paying more to borrow money? It’s not because they’re dumb/uneducated about how borrowing works, it’s because our financial system actively

I’m not even a damn “Millennial” but I am so unbelievably tired of seeing them get shit on and called lazy and entitled. My sister (who is in that age group) had to put out literally hundreds of resumes to get a new job that pays only slightly more than the one she held previously but at least gets her some frigging

Get on stage, realize I don’t know my lyrics or my choreography.

If we know it’s Bushwick, why are we humoring Satan and calling it ‘East Williamsburg’?