Chad Bombast

I wonder what % of 20-year-old college males would include cisgender in their descriptions of themselves.

I don't recall the Dick Robbin' guy from Batman, but he sounds frightening. Could explain why so many superheroes have no discernible genitals in those tights.

I would be hesitant to take my gift bag knowing that I would have to pay $500 in taxes for fucking salt.

I rented this from Vimeo a couple of weeks ago. I didn't finish it.

Bring back Craig Kilborn! Or don't.

Ha ha, I imagine she is a bit of a drag icon. How could she not be?

Oh you are in Chicago. Maybe there is some sort of shared psychic memory in the city that you don't laugh at a man in a fedora if you know what's good for you.

I am doing Joan Holloway in drag!

What was it about, then? I just took it as some more auteur navel-gazing. Your use of scare quotes around apparently suggests you have some thoughts on the matter.

I was trying to remember if this was the same person. As a white male in his 40s, I have fond memories of the RiotGrrl movement. RiotGrrls were invariably the best in bed. (or so I've heard)

I wasn't too crazy about the whole thing, so I kind of expected an ending like that. I kept hoping the movie was about more than what it apparently was about.

Best supporting role tonight goes to fatalist guy's gum. Nothing says moral detachment like gum chewing.

Is there a name for looking to the right or any other directions really in photos etc? It seems to suggest cuteness or coyness. I see it all the time — literally ALL THE TIME. I just thought of it because of the freeze frame in the Elastica video above.

They are really making three 50 Shades movies? Something tells me that won't actually happen.

The special effects are amazing, but they can not be seen by the naked eye!

I agree. I would not consider it acceptable for a 25 year old to have sex with a 15 year old. I mean, it is (I think) statutory rape almost everywhere in North America. My issue is with what I consider to be a "concern troll" husband. I think he is making a big deal out of this out of some misplaced jealousy or

"Get their attention, yeah?"

TUT sounds like a real treat to be married to. "You were raped!!! When will you admit you were raped?! That man right there on your Facebook is a sexual predator!!"

Beenadick Cumberbund hahaha. I bet nobody ever thought of that before.

I actually thought it might be the sequel to World War Z.