Chad Bombast

This might be the first episode that leads me to finally admitting, "Yeah, this show kind of sucks." The straw the broke the camel's back will likely be Jonathan Crane entering the scene of the murder because the parking meter needed more change. I also realized last night that I am not at all attracted to a woman

So does the excision of the character mean that storyline is going nowhere in the books? Seems like the show may very well render the final two books moot. Seeing as Martin will not be sending book 6 to his publisher in 2015 for sure…maybe that's for the best.

Wow. I used to find Rita and the kids so annoying. Just couldn't get into the character of Dexter having the family. Seemed like they were trying to have their cake and eat it. Is he a sociopath barely holding it together or Mr. Mom? Yeesh! Oh well. I will never know how it turned out.

When the song first started, it immediately thought of "In Bloom." Now I can't get it out of my head.

I usually can't hate watch for long. I stopped watching Dexter and even knowing Rita and the kids were gone, I couldn't come back.

I miss donut shops. I mean, there are shops here that sell donuts, but they are chains and they don't make them fresh in the store.

I really want to hear more about that evening at HMC's house. I want to hear from the husband.

Just mate with her already!

That list is plenty. In fact, you've out-done yourself. And to think how long this would have taken you on Explorer. :)

The 90s were a weird time.

Love your avatar/name. At the risk of sounding the a Wikipedia editor, do you have a source for your "widely considered" assertion?

Yeah, I heard that. I have not tried to watch it yet. I have no interest, so I doubt I will force myself to sit through it. It wouldn't be the first time that I couldn't summon any interest at all in an acclaimed film. At the risk of ripping off Seinfeld, I have yet to watch The English Patient.

My wife and her mother were watching a movie the other night. Both were struggling to stay awake and seemed really happy to be interrupted. They were watching Boyhood.

When I hate a show, I do this really weird thing that I find works very well: I don't watch it.

Huh. I never thought of Won't Back Down when I heard Stay With Me.

Republicans will always be safe if they just use "Stranglehold."

Don't the Dropkick Murphys have a problem with Neo-Nazis incorrectly identifying them as allies?

I don't necessarily think it should be an issue whether the genders were reversed or not. The boy is probably horny as hell and the women is probably hornier than an 18 year old girl would be. I am happy for them. I had some unrequited crushes on much older women when I was 18. I doubt I would have been all messed up

Has anyone done a satire called Trannyformers?

I wonder if the advice for AYA would be the same if the genders were reversed.