Chad Bombast

His overly-lengthy explanation as to why he found himself there and then treating it like he wandered into a leper colony made me feel similarly. I just can't get worked up enough about this pile of garbage to feel sick about it. My wife read the books and I was curious enough to ask her the plot. It was more

Some comments are hilarious, but there is a subset of AV Club comments that is just sort of sad. I hate to use this phrase, but in this case it seems appropriate: Get a life, folks.

Huh. I would have thought the bi-female would be the "decider" in the threesome most of the time.

I feel like I can quite easily go through life without making any non-cisgendered friends. That is my grumpy old man solution.

Call me old fashioned, but I don't think anything should be labelled asexual unless it can reproduce that way.

Is anyone surprised that a bi female in her 20s would have stories about threesomes?

Fuck it. I am not going to be sensitive to gender issues.

I think I liked AV Club more before there were comments.

People are being laid off at Tinder? Damn, another internet bubble bursts.

I've been here too long, I think.

I meant as a dry sort of comment because of how terribly it was written. That didn't translate to the page.

No less reasonable than the article I was commenting on, but thanks for your input. You're really playing the "adult in the room" card on a story about George Lucas being insufficiently excited about a trailer for Star Wars?

There it is: my next band photo. Too bad nobody will get the reference. Then again, nobody gives a shit about my band, either.

Hey, you get what you give!

Jesus, get over yourselves AV Club. Who gives a fuck whether he watched it or what his reasons are. "Blah blah, not a great excuse…" Christ! Fuck off. Maybe he just weary of the whole thing.

The album cover photo of Jamie Lynn Spears isn't all that flattering. You'd think they'd have made her look better. Being hot seems to be the most important quality for modern country women.

It's a little funny seeing the AV Club try to rationalize Aubrey Plaza's involvement in the Grumpy Cat movie. Although, I can't imagine she needs the money. Maybe the rationalization is correct.

I don't see why you think this was written by a non-native English speaker.

Imogen poots when she's had lots of fibre.

Didn't watch and I am more or less skipping this season at this point, but who got voted out in the second hour?