Chad Bombast

I have figured out how to enjoy this season: barely pay attention. It was on in the background last night while I played a video game. Best episode yet!

A little on the weak side. Maybe "OK job, internet!"

Tried watching it this year. The guy with the deformed hand who was being visited by a string of housewives for his services was too much for me. Ryan Murphy, man.

I think that's the year she was born. Maybe?

But he has the voice of an angel!

The Hudson Bay blanket is much-coveted among Canadians.

I wonder if Cochrane was still on the writing staff.

I think Brand is actually making a lot of important points, but I guess most of us prefer the shadows on the cave wall.

LOL, it's true. You went to some roadhouse and ordered the chicken caesar salad. Does the world really need your review?

Over at YouTube, there is already one comment defending Lamb's Creek.

I had held onto slim hopes that this would be funny. I really enjoyed the first one.

I find it kind of endearing that this kind of bullshit can still capture the imaginations of so many. I mean, Amityville was debunked over a generation ago, but it still has some mileage.

Well, it's highly subjective, but I was taking more as, "See, babe, I got this." At least in a season I am barely still watching, the smug entitlement of Jon and Jaclyn at least gives me something to root against. As with all things of this nature, your mileage may vary. if everyone thought like I do, Kim Kardashian

His fucking wink to Jaclyn after every vote is so fucking annoying. I really hope the tables turn on those assholes asap.

Yeah, I don't know if I would like it if I read it now. I read it when it came out. Interestingly, Frank Miller seems to have changed a lot since he wrote it as well. But even then, my friends who loved Frank Miller kind of hated DK2. Maybe I was just really in the mood to hate what was happening with the war in Iraq

Cool. Some of that is ringing some bells for me. I do remember the Ms. Marvel thing, but I never read much of it. Back when I was buying comics every couple weeks and there was no other way to read them, I just didn't have the money for every title that caught my eye — and I was already buying 4 different Spider-man

I will have to check out the work of Deconnick on that title. I am not really super interested in Capt. Marvel, but I have heard a lot of good things about that writer — and the right writer and artist can make anyone interesting. (Bad example, perhaps, because I know I hold a minority opinion on DK2, but I remember

I don't really know the history of Captain Marvel. My rudimentary understanding is the title and power can be bestowed on a variety of "worthy" people and that is what it's been Monica and a man as well. I would love to put a bug in the ear of someone over at Salon or Jezebel and see some think pieces on why they

And I do have some hilarious headlines from small town newspapers as well!

I have to think it was done before. Many, many times. But I wasn't about to let that stop me!