Chad Bombast

I am sorry there, friend. I will try to ensure my comedy stylings are up the the AV Club standards. Why there is some hilarious happening below, if I Gadoo say so myself.

I thought Captain Marvel was Monica Rambeau and she was a black woman with a sweet afro. I sure hope they aren't making the movie with some white, blonde woman.

So until 2016, we'll be waiting for Gadot.

Yeah, maybe use a shade of yellow (canary, perhaps?) instead of white. I wonder if she will be screaming at people too. LOL.

This is kind of unrelated, but I remember watching Smallville with my sister and she said, "Oh, Green Arrow is in it now." I wasn't really a fan of that show, but I wanted to see what they did with Green Arrow — since he could be so easily screwed up on the TV screen. In the episode I watched, some random guy is

OK, I can't resist. I think they should not make it so single-tone. The base colour of the jacket should be white and keep the black strapping. Then I would make the "meshy" areas of the top and the gloves more white with black undertones. Ditch the leather garter stuff entirely. Put a white leather stripe down the

I might have been assuming what you were thinking too much. I thought you considered it trashy and a cheap attempt to be sexy. I actually agree with "fan video's attempt to make a gritty reimagining" completely. It reminds me of the failed attempt to reboot Wonder Woman with leather pants. I think they could have done

I assume this is supposed to be sexy. I must have burned away the part of my brain that is supposed to find gorgeous women in leather super sexy because I just don't at all. Not that I would turn down a date with her, mind you, but I would hope she just wore a nice dress or maybe some jeans when I take her bowling.

I don't watch the show either, but the comic costume would actually be worse — assuming you think this one is bad.

Letter writer #3: don't get married to this guy.

Is that second letter from Silvio Berlusconi? Yeesh, just file it under "humble-brag" and fuck off.

I think I now know how Dan Savage feels when he hears the word vagina. You've done it, Amy Schumer, you've made me find you exactly as attractive as a canned ham dropped from a height.

I wish people would retweet me instead of favorite me.

I see Rashida Jones is getting a full hour, too. I would spend most of the hour trying to work up the courage to say, "Hi!"

It would be easier to understand their lack of food rage if most of them hadn't rushed through a bag of rice, received another bag of rice, and it appeared to be less than a day after they had a feast. Could these Survivors actually be gaining weight?

Yep. I have watched Survivor since the beginning, but this is one of the biggest dud seasons for me. There was another one years ago that I could barely bring myself to watch, but it has, predictably, faded from memory. This year is just beige.

Cobblepot sure can make an entrance! Kind of funny that they have closed two episodes already with almost the exact same scene. (Didn't read the review yet, presumably the reviewer mentions this as well.)

If you had to lop something off to prevent your certain death, what would you choose?

My wife watches "How to get away…" and I hear/see just enough of it to declare it the best new comedy of the year!

I have the autograph of everybody in The Beautiful South on the same picture. I wrote them a letter when I was in high school and asked for it. Of all the bands to write to…I guess I just loved them from the bottom of my pencil case.