Chad Bombast

I bought this the day after it was released with a misguided notion that I would play it and make a "diary" of playing it for my fledgling blog. I barely got 10 minutes into it (10 minutes of game time, about an hour of me reloading), and I don't want to play it anymore. I could sell it, but I already used the

Best Hatesong ever by a very wide margin.

Some people have a fetish for it. Other people. Not moi!!!

The unseen power of the picket fence.

I guess I should open wide and say, "Ahhhh…"

I agree. Monogamy isn't always easy, but misleading people isn't the solution. That's an issue I have with polyamory in general. It often comes off as swinging for people with a Master's Degree in Social Science. Fancy labels don't change the fact that you just want more than one flavour in the pantry. (Now to hide

As a fellow fatty — although I am more of an adult-onset fatty — I recommend you start doing something to reverse it even if it's a small thing. I don't recommend that so much so you can get laid (although that would be nice) but because I find it really helps me with my depression and anxiety. My current activities

Thanks. I wonder if the letter writer is married to another man. Probably. Just wondering because, if he is, he obviously found one gay man who wasn't put off by his trans status.

Honest question from a big cissy: when someone says they are a trans guy, does that mean they were born female? I assume so, but just want confirmation.

I am somehow abandoning my critical eye with this show. I don't know if it's because my real life is quite stressful now, but I am just letting all the silliness slide. I did finally laugh at and not with the show when Falcone seemed to be about to say that Liza looked like his mother. Oedipal complex aside and all,

I don't read a lot of TV reviews and recaps because I consider them pretty pointless. Once you have a TV and a cable package, choosing to watch something and decide for yourself is a pretty low stakes investment. However, I keep coming back to check the letter grade here because I find it amusing how much this

I don't think your vocals were breathy enough.

I remember that. I remember thinking, "Fuck, these are useless!" Also, early days of workplace computing for me: I was very proud of having my computer play the "game over" sound file from Aliens when I shut down at the end of the day.

Wait, Hustling came out in 2006. So, ah who gaf?

I can't help but think of her name as a sentence; noun and verb.

Didn't they already make this sitcom? I believe it was called Silver Spoons.

It could be a lot of money though. More money than it would cost to actually pay a company to move someone. And if that person jumps bail?

They should really find a way to work Armand Assante into this just because.

Seven Nation Armie

I got nothing. Bail me out, please?