Chad Bombast

Other memorable sitcoms starring and about the lives of the scions of rich people? The Patty Hearst Show, MTV's Dead Kennedy, ok…I'm out.

But IS it?

Well, supposedly, his Lone Ranger was a complete joke, so…(surely someone has already made this comment)

Ugh, how f'n hot would one of those be…

I had to scroll this far to find a comment that was not in reply to Celebith. Not sure why I am pointing that out.

My main reaction to this story is, "Holy air brushing on her armpit!" Dial the Photoshop back a little.

Interesting that letter after letter to Dan Savage regarding poly sounds like it could have been written by one of those idiots.

Are they known to drive massive cruising bikes favored by retired gentlemen and their wives?

I have an anecdote about this (if you knew me, you'd be rolling your eyes and sighing right now — you may be doing that regardless): when I was in university, my buddy hooked up with a fairly hot girl on campus who, during presumably drunken coitus, hopped off his dick and declared, "I can't stand these things!" She

Here's how I decide if someone is right for me: if they use the word "post-mononormative" to describe themselves, I get the fuck out ASAP.

Anyone else see that polyamory show that was on one of the cable networks? I can't remember which one. I think I got through almost one episode. It basically checked every box on the list of things I can't stand about people who live some sort of alternative sexual lifestyle.

It's an interesting story. She didn't consider it rape for years, but came to the realization while pitching it in the Girls writers room. Basically, the guy pulled off his condom and she didn't notice right away. She didn't consent to raw doggin'.

Lena Dunham as subject matter never fails to deliver. I haven't watched Girls since the first season, but I am still aware that she tells an anecdote in the book where she was raped by a guy with a "face for radio."

And she is not exactly an author who can be bullied at this point in her career. She is awesome and everyone wants a piece of her work.

Brotards, eh? I think anyone who combines something they hate (in your case, bros) with retards, a condition people are born into, should maybe think a little bit about how widely you want to cast your net. "These bros here are so dumb, it's like they are retarded, so I call them 'brotards.'" *smiles with immense

Why the fuck are we talking about what Fincher gives and takes away? He's a director, not a screenwriter. Film critics can really be fucking idiots.

Yeah, it didn't really demonstrate as much as I though it would.

It rises like Olympus above the Serengeti.

Most of them are Daves, so Bowie probably stands out on the basis of that alone.

Who is the "we" in that statement, though. I don't think I have ever thought of Africa as one country and I am not particular bright.