Chad Bombast

Didn't Dreyfus meet her husband on the show?

Have to agree wholeheartedly with you there. I still try to catch all his stuff.

I think any director casting Sasha Grey to do anything other than what she's famous for is shooting him/herself in the foot.

I love most of Soderbergh's work, but the Girlfriend Experience and Haywire told me I shouldn't assume I will love everything he touches.

Agree. She is not a unicorn. She just wants two while they have one. They may never even meet.

I saw it at the age of 11 and didn't pick up on the funny. I thought it was scary! Watched it again in many years later and laughed at my 11 year old self.

Not enough! Do like Robbie Williams and pull all your skin and tissue off your skeleton!

I had to re-read the letter to be sure I was getting it: he had sex once with this man, 10 years ago, in a men's club. He is now his life partner and they will soon to be legally married. And his perfect Asian twink with the perfect little ass has not put out since??? What the ever-loving f*&k?!?!

Is it really that horrible to call his boyfriend his little brown prince? (Although, I hasten to add the guy sounds like a complete moron. He's about to marry this chaste little twink? How sad.)

I have another solution for Chris' friend: "I used to have these friends…"

That is actually one of the strangest letters I've ever read in Savage Love. Sex once and then none for 10 years? I find this just as baffling as guys into having their balls tortured.

I used to work for a company that built a new office building while I was there. During the tour of the finished building, we were informed that walls were covered in a special bamboo product from Japan. We all oohed and nodded appreciatively, but I couldn't help but notice it looked exactly like the laminate flooring

The testicle trauma fetishist letters never fail to make me reflexively cradle my balls protectively and wince for about a solid minute.

A hollow shell of a movie that was kind of blah? Too bad, I was hoping it would be worth seeing in the theatre. I find all these movies that are made in a relatively small space and then augmented with CGI feel a bit close, almost claustrophobic, so barring rave reviews, I wouldn't have been interested.

"It sucks they are gone, of course, but it’s the decision they made. I have to respect it and move on." Not to quibble, Mr. Rollins, but it doesn't sound like you really respect their decision.

I wonder if there is a writer on some other entertainment blog composing a post entitled, "AV Club's Sean O'Neal Defends Suicide as Perfectly Cromulent Option For Sufferers of Depression."

I put in the same file as honky (if you're old enough) or cracker. If it makes members of a marginalized group feel better to label me, have at it. I am just a big ol' cissy boy!

Makes it even more disturbing know he could have actually done that to the Red Viper`s head. Eeeep!

I was in university in 1994. I have somewhat embarrassing memories of doing my best white boy approximation of dances featured in the video above. At least they were easy.

I wish people who had relatives in a Nazi death camp would just shut up about it already. Yeesh!