Chad Bombast

My wife was friends with a lesbian couple who eventually got married. But before that, the ex of one of the gals was in full-on psycho mode. Showing up at the office and screaming that she would kick the new girlfriend's ass etc. Etc. And she was a big rugby player type. I bet she was coercive.

Now I am wondering about lesbian rape stats.

How is the Club Tropicana lyric weird? All he's saying is it's not located on the ocean. It has everything you need to have a great time, but it happens to be located inland. That is not weird.

I think this documentary is better than if the movie actually happened. Kind of like that documentary about the guy who did Boondock Saints.

See if you can get through 2 minutes of the podcast "Getting Doug With High." I can name many things I hate about pot culture, but I also enjoy pot on the regular. I am that most disappointing of stoners who thinks getting up for work every morning is important.

If there's one thing men or lesbian women don't like, it's lithe, structurally perfect women with, gasp!, short hair!

Yeah, I was thinking this, too, but there's not much in the way of surfer jock culture where I grew up. Not sure I've ever seen a surf boart in real life. That's why I assume Beyonce pronounces it correctly.

Surprised at the anti-stoner vibe both in the article and the comments section. Straight edge always seemed somewhat Fascist and angry to me.


This casting call fails to recognize that "A bitch is a bitch!"

So, A girls are hotter than Beyonce? Wow!

I think the possibly closeted friend should know that grabbing someone's cock in the bathroom might not be a good plan. If I drunkenly grabbed at a woman's crotch in a club, I would expect to get some negative feedback, to say the least.

Wasn't he supposed to be modelled after Sting in terms of his looks? Some of the early issues had some pretty mediocre art, so I wasn't sure. So, if they follow that model, in a few years he will really suck and be a total wanker?

These shitty links are everywhere now. It's a sad commentary.

Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?

OK, I think I can do this. Clearly people have too much money (or credit). I am going to do one. No details to follow.

There is a winery not far from here called "Jost" but it's pronounced "yost." Anyway, I think he will be good, but the fact that he is also co-head writer makes me hate him more than his abilities as a fake news anchor ever could. 2013-2014 was the end of me watching SNL. Not angry or bitter about it. I am 41 now and,

Serious question (maybe I should just Google this): can you carry multiple guns in an open carry state? Could I go out dressed like the Punisher? I live in Canada and we can't open carry jack shit, but as a Libtard, I would love to wear an Obama HOPE shirt and just be packing everything.

I am trying to watch Halt and Catch Fire, but the tone feels all wrong to me. I have tried twice to watch the pilot and turned it off. I didn't have that problem with Mad Men. I probably don't have a third try in me. I still have to watch Orange is the New Black.

They could just show one episode of Mad Men a year for another seven years.