Chad Bombast

Nothing to see here.

Well, thanks for the update. I'll know better for next time.

Meanwhile, the other Sugarcubes sit at home eating hàkarl and waiting for the phone to ring.

I am getting sick of the "spoiler alert" crowd.

She hasn't done much yet. Another example of Martin floundering — or so it would seem.

Nice seeding. Figures a bunch of pop-culture nerds wouldn't know shit about seeding a tournament!

Good thing you were in that field. You might have agreed.

I bet they used the fat white guy from the Simpsons who talked like Michael Jackson, but was definitely not Michael Jackson.

Sometimes, they just stand.

I could be wrong about my memories of the books, but I don't think Marillion was the singer Joffrey made mute. In the books…it was different, iirc. But I don't want to continue this comment and spoil things for future readers.

I don't watch 20 scripted shows, so for me it's more like the top 5. I like Mad Men slightly more, but GoT might be 2 for me now that Breaking Bad is off the air. Ah, opinions are like assholes: everyone has em, nobody wants to hear em.

Yeah, I was surprised Todd didn't know who that was. He was a pretty pivotal character in Jon's time at the wall. I guess Todd decided Jon was boring and proceeded to not pay any attention to him or anyone around him.

So Louis CK's bit on the word didn't convince anyone?

We Are Miracles is newer.

He better drive a Range Rover.

Dan's answer to letter 2 made me LOL.

And you posted this before my butt-hurt comment!

I used to play a bit of what would be called "troubadour" style stuff at bars and so forth. Sometimes, in an attempt to support the local music community, I would attend other shows and battles of the bands even if it wasn't in a genre I liked. Sometimes, during a break, an excited member of a punk band would ask what

The tribe is played by real tribesmen who have never been filmed before. This is how they really are! Things got a little hairy when the director yelled, "Cut!"

I am thinking it does.