Um... straight up clone? The right analogue stick is where the buttons would be on the 360. But I do agree, the shape is pretty much the same when compared to the 360 control.
Um... straight up clone? The right analogue stick is where the buttons would be on the 360. But I do agree, the shape is pretty much the same when compared to the 360 control.
Also after reading through your post I absolutely freaking love your idea of your partner losing their sanity and the control of their character trying to kill you in a moment of madness. Really cool stuff!
As evidence would show, you made your post after mine so I could very well say the same thing about you.
That vision idea you have about seeing your friend as a Necromorph is absolutely fantastic!
Yeah I forgot to mention instances of communication loss would be random as well as some monster encounters. I was also thinking of a system where you would be able to leave written notes for your partner on paper or on walls, however this would be limited so you'd have to choose wisely where to use it. I feel like…
I frickin love split screen. Playing the campaign through the Gears games is a blast split screen with a bro. But in the case of horror games, it really takes away from the scariness if your friend is right beside you no matter what.
When I get my Vita later this year (hopefully there will be a price drop by then), I'll definitely be getting this. I fell in love with this game's artstyle the instant I saw it in one of those Vita game reels shown off at conferences. I'm so glad that the game turned out well.
Dammit I spelt "could" wrong! Maybe I shouldn't be correcting others :(
This concept sounds like it sould be interseting but I'll have to see some gameplay before I can get really excited for it (Can't watch video due to restrictions at work).
Oh I forgot and one more thing
I'd die of happiness if that happened. That would mean ALOT less fanbot bitching and will overall bring the gaming community closer together. And the fanbots can do nothing but shut the fuck up and deal with it.
Oh god the friggin wait is killing me. Tetsuya has promised alot of things. I just hope both KH3 and Versus XII turn out well and are not rushed.
That too!
Seriously, they have been constantly rehashing this artstyle game after game, and the shit sells like hotcakes! It has basically become Nintendo's Call of Duty.
All I want is a new 2D or 2.5D Mario that doesn't look the same as the bland New Super Mario Bros artstyle.
Eternal Darkness 2
Kingdom Hearts HD Remix
E3 is less than a week away!! Hell yeah I'm excited!