chad battman


And the abuser she shot is/was a black male, not white male, I assume?

I wish I could take my first reply back because I know it’s going to be misunderstood. Let me try to explain better and have patience - English is not my first language.

Sure we do. But we were used to our crime rate and we worked with it. Now we’ve been pressed against our will into something we don’t have the resources for. The immigrants need screening, guidance, schooling, financial help, mental health care etc. and Not to 50,000, much less to 500,000 and

It does not matter if it wasn’t terrorism. We (Europeans) weren’t afraid of opening our borders because of terrorism, we were afraid of crime. And crime it is.

No, I don’t want this to be terrorism. I don’t want this to have happened at all. As to your accusations, they are meaningless in a year in which hundreds are dying on the streets of Europe.

I understand what you’re reacting to, but it seems a bit early to confidently declare that they are unrelated.

Right after you show us where Hitler has turned around and made the gesture at a giant picture of his supreme leader.

Funny how in the Sweden’s photo the ethnic Swedes are actually the minority...

None of those in the photo are black.

You knew Chris Rock in college?

I agree. I have always rolled my eyes at conservatives’ ramblings about the “liberal media”, but now I am really seeing it for what it is and I think based on the responses to my post, a lot of people are starting to feel this way. I don’t want to live in a country where we refuse help to those who need it (ESPECIALLY

In fact, I’d say the instinct to “cover up” this story or be ambiguous with the details of the attackers will actually help create more racist rhetoric, as it gives those looking for a conspiracy/bias more ammo. Just put the fact out there and let them speak for themselves...if people take that and twist it to fit

This is the first article jezebel has written since the attack, almost a week ago.

There were groups of women of ten friends who had gone to watch fire works together. It didn’t save them from attack.

I’ve been steamed about this whole thing when I first started to see the stories emerge online. And the advice to the keep at arms distance, don’t talk to strangers, walk in pairs, etc. What BS. Makes me sick.

“Allegedly concealing information” - translated , that means that initially, the police reported that the night had passed “peacefully “ & it took 4 to 5 days for the truth to be acknowledged publicly. The mass sexual assults was too widely reported on social media for it to continue to be denied. 100 men were

Found this article interesting; apparently Stockholm had some similar attacks last summer and the press stayed quiet about them too.

I am glad you guys posted something, the mainstream media’s insistence on burying this story because they are afraid it may cause people to be racist/biased/whatever is abhorrent. Hundreds of women were sexually assaulted in a coordinated attack, this should be the number one story. It isn’t even on CNN’s front page,

There was a similar effort in Helsinki, that was stopped early by police intervention. I’m not sure which would be more disturbing - finding out that this was planned across countries, or finding out that it wasn’t (since it means this was more or less independently organized attempts by migrants/refugees to assault