Chachi McFly

Great job, Adam! I loved last season but season 2 took the show to a whole new level and this was one of your strongest episodes. I heard you've narrowed the movie theme episode next season down to 3 potential movies. Any hints?

I would love to know the real story on Adam's knockoff Cabbage Patch Kid lol

Oh sweet god, I HAD Rocklords. I haven't thought about them in like 25 years. I just Googled them again and why were they ever a thing? Fake Transformers that turn, not into cars, but into rocks? Hahahahah! And I think it is great that you come on here and talk to fans and thanks for helping us relive our

I have to admit, it took me until the Goonies episode last season to start watching the Goldbergs. I'm a huge fan of the 80's and I had just been burned from every 80's nostalgia TV and movie. Most are like "The 80's Show", just way over the top and not how the 80's really were. We didn't just sit around playing