
P100 also looks a TON like The Last Guy.

Too bad you didn't report on how the Obama admin is creating this problem through sweetheart deals: []

Yay! More government regulation of private industry! Dontcha just love socialism?

@mariokarter: The only buildings they're interested in maintaining/monitoring are their nuclear facilities.

@jdale: That were strengthened significantly under Democrats. Please follow the news before you make a silly statement.

Thanks, Democrats! Can we have Bush back now? Since Democrats took office they've started scanning our naked bodies, eavesdropping on our phone calls, and tapping our Internet communication. They bitched and moaned during the Bush years about the Patriot Act, but once they took over they started invading our

@Decoy_Doctorpus: Scalia is by far the smartest and most staunch defender of liberty of any Supreme Court Justice.

@daPrinz: Heaven forbid that there's a segment of Americans who think redistribution of wealth is a bad thing. Just look at where that's gotten Europe.

@Rev Slow: Don't waste your time trying to explain business to liberals. Most of them have no real-world experience managing a business.

@reuthermonkey: Not to mention it's always liberals that are trying to ban music, video games, movies, etc. Funny how liberals conveniently ignore that.

@blub: You're spot on with every point made. This Gizmodo article is more FUD from liberals who don't take the time to research ideas outside of their own.

@domhnall: Fox News is a lot more balanced than MSNBC or even CNN. For every guest they have on the program they have another to debate the issue from the other side. The other news networks are often one-sided in their presentation of news and discussion.

It's their money, they earned it, and they're legally paying all their taxes. What is this, the USSR??

I'm downloading it RIGHT NOW on my MacBook Pro. Can't wait to play on my flight to London tomorrow. :-D

@Zinger314: You go blind and projectile vomit.

As if it's not painful enough looking at his mug every day as he drives our economy into the ground...

As if it's not painful enough looking at his mug every day as he drives our economy into the ground...

-99 here in SLC without the death grip.

@spincast: Because the "analysts" (read: Verizon execs) want to spread FUD in order to prevent customers from leaving Verizon for yet another year to go to AT&T for the latest iPhone.