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I’d like to point out that “vaping” really has two separate communities. I agree that one of those does pose health hazards and can be quite dangerous, while the other is significantly less dangerous than smoking. The folks using box mods or other products to vaporize unknown liquids that are reacting to heating

I’d like to point out that “vaping” really has two separate communities. I agree that one of those does pose health

Where the party at

Only the saddest degenerates would waste a Sunday watching the Houston Texans

Like when you’re in charge of sushi and get to eat the ends. Or baking cookies and you get to eat the broken ones.

You are awesome.

I am a recent Chrome convert. When I used Windows/Linux, Chrome was my go-to, but then I got my Macbook and started using Safari because of the battery improvements. Recently though, I got fed up with Safari's unreliable rendering of some websites and switched back to Chrome and I don't think I'll ever go back. I

Yeah, Fantastical could use a more Yosemite-esque look, but functionally it's still my favorite.

This is Gawker Media in a nutshell:

Let us not forget the hypocrisy throughout the whole thing as well. After like 1000 articles about how harmful it is to treat women, even fictional ones, like sex objects Jezebel then runs this... (NSFW)…

Well someone needs a hug.

Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.

So in is great for books, electronics, items in bulk and ebooks and basically falls short everywhere else. When in doubt stick with Walmart for house hold items, Itunes for music and grocies from your current grocery store.