You gain 100 experience points. Level up!

True that is what I said (almost) but what is cheaper? a fraction of a penny to fill up a bottle at home or $1.89 at the store?


now if only their stock wasn't limited releases to insiders that sell out in 15 seconds.

Its a shame that some of these are really hard to come by. I am looking at you Dragon Quest VII. Give me a version that is not a mobile version and barely playable.

I hate what Nintendo is doing to me. I have no interest in a WII U outside of this game and Hyrule Warriors but damnit if they aren't drawing me in.

I tried Stranahans at a tasting event and it was magical. The same company makes one I love even more that is a reasonable price . I met the creator. I shook his hand and he showed me pics of his first still. I loved it and now I never go without a bottle in my house.

I am glad to see one of these that is actually affordable. I saw other versions from Kickstarter and the like that were 50 bucks after shipping. I get its helpful but 50 bucks for what is probably a 16th of a penny with of plastic? Come on!

I have read many articles recently that my area (Santa Monica California) is now the most expensive place to live in the country. A small two bedroom shack is about 1.2 million so out here buying is completely not worth it.

I am out!

Thank you for helping me fall asleep tonight.

My story is a bit different. I met a girl on Tinder with the mutual intent intent of hooking up. We met, hooked up and charmed the heck out of each other. Now it is a year later and we have traveled around the country and Europe together and are very happy. It was odd because for the longest time I was trying to

I was wearing a CC shirt today at the Beverly Center and ten people walked up to me telling me the news. Who knew so many people were into Crystal Castles?!

Can I text with it? I talk to one person via gchat but I text all kinds of people all day long so this would be perfect. I use Mightytext now but I would much rather use this.

The online form shows as unavailable for me.

I love handcent but I can never reply to group texts. It always just sends it to each person as an individual text. I have downloaded the group addon but it does not work. Very frustrating. At this point I just want an app that can group text can I get a recommendation? I have an HTC M8 One

Watching him slice that sandwich with the hot knife was incredibly satisfying.

My situation was kind of unique. I was basically impetuous and young. I received a job working for a radio station in LA and it was basically being paid to party. I got swept up in that life and school took a hit. I am happy with my life now. I have a great girl, a great job that pays me more then I should be making

I am going back to school after a long break so I find this interesting. My only question is will it suggest real schools? Or will my results come up ad DeVry, Kaplan, Pheonix etc etc.?

This is the sad state of affairs my mind has with gaming and stuff like this now. At one point the guys says "We want your help making this game" I was expecting that statement to be immediately followed with "Thats why we have come to KickStarter..."

It makes me sad to see these people have to go through these conditions but A) they are willing to do it and B) there is someone willing to pay them. Supply and Demand at its finest.