I hate what Nintendo is doing to me. I have no interest in a WII U outside of this game and Hyrule Warriors but damnit if they aren't drawing me in.
I hate what Nintendo is doing to me. I have no interest in a WII U outside of this game and Hyrule Warriors but damnit if they aren't drawing me in.
I have read many articles recently that my area (Santa Monica California) is now the most expensive place to live in the country. A small two bedroom shack is about 1.2 million so out here buying is completely not worth it.
I am out!
Thank you for helping me fall asleep tonight.
Can I text with it? I talk to one person via gchat but I text all kinds of people all day long so this would be perfect. I use Mightytext now but I would much rather use this.
The online form shows as unavailable for me.
I love handcent but I can never reply to group texts. It always just sends it to each person as an individual text. I have downloaded the group addon but it does not work. Very frustrating. At this point I just want an app that can group text can I get a recommendation? I have an HTC M8 One
Watching him slice that sandwich with the hot knife was incredibly satisfying.
My situation was kind of unique. I was basically impetuous and young. I received a job working for a radio station in LA and it was basically being paid to party. I got swept up in that life and school took a hit. I am happy with my life now. I have a great girl, a great job that pays me more then I should be making…
I am going back to school after a long break so I find this interesting. My only question is will it suggest real schools? Or will my results come up ad DeVry, Kaplan, Pheonix etc etc.?
This is the sad state of affairs my mind has with gaming and stuff like this now. At one point the guys says "We want your help making this game" I was expecting that statement to be immediately followed with "Thats why we have come to KickStarter..."
I did this today. I live around the corner from a Starbucks but I hopped in my car and drove to an awesome library that was totally empty and overlooking a gorgeous marina. I was able to do homework for about 4 hours and get way ahead of schedule. I was not disturbed or distracted. It was amazing.
Any chance of updating this? As a new mac I would appreciate an updated list. Chrome and Firefox are unusable on my computer as they use 10x the power Safari does.
Just a heads up. If you are planning to make a large purchase do it AFTER you receive and activate your card. I bought my new computer on amazon with my card before I received it and got no rewards for it.
So what are the odds they will get slapped with a cease and desist a month before completion?
I have a card I am happy with and had for a little over a year. I always pay on time and they have raised my credit limit twice. I owe very little on the card (about 100 bucks). Do you think they would lower my rate to transfer over a $1,300 balance from another high interest rate card?
I recommend whittling. All you need is wood, a knife and some gloves for safety. I make spoons and other small things while sitting in the park it's very relaxing, simple, low investment and a source of pride to use something I made.
Calculators could have been spawned from a different idea combined with this spell casting element.
I saw those, they are all hackerspaces for coding and technology.