You gain 100 experience points. Level up!

Totally off topic but I was looking at some deals and the websites needed me to sign in with Facebook before I viewed them. This trend needs to end.

I do not keep many things as I like to live minimally but when I gave away all my PS1 stuff I only kept this game and the save card that holds every FFT save. I had a save card just for this game and something tells me I will need it again someday :)

For penance of your forgetfulness you must go play it again and smile.

I have a Christmas fund I always start on January first. All year long I will make an Amazon wish list of items to buy for people whenever I see something they will like. I have a little personal tradition. I wake up the day after thanksgiving, make a cup of coffee and then I get on my computer. I will use apps

12 year old me wrote a paper on FFT and got an A on it :) I never played Tactics Ogre I should give that a shot

about my 5th play though I stopped using TG Cid. It just felt cheap. As a matter of fact I am about to fire up my ps3 and go into the deep dungeon :)

Worth every purchase everytime.

I was just trying to think and yup. I have it on Playstation, PSN, Ipad, and psp

Your first paragraph are my thoughts word for word.

I am so glad my time is more valuable then to sit in this madness. This morning I woke up, made a pot of coffee, transferred my Christmas fund into my checking account and went on Amazon to buy my wish list I had compiled over the year for things to by my family.

always and forever. I have probably had about 20 breakthroughs.

I agree. Anytime there is a Paypal story on Gawker, good or bad, I post that story to warn others. My bank account was $1,100 overdrawn after all the fees for 2 months. Paypal is horrible with their finances and your bank information

My annoyance is this (summarized for ease of reading and less confusion)

Defeat the black dragon! *You must wait 5 hours to gather the energy or you can pay 5 dollars and you need 5 friends to give you potions and planks of wood before you can build the bridge to get to the dragon*

It is great to share and a great activity. Actually, I went out with the girl I am seeing last night and she surprisingly challenged me to some Doctor Mario so tomorrow night we are having wine and playing some Doctor Mario! :)

I am probably in the same boat as you. Did you ever get any generic message sent your way? I remember reading so many profiles that girls posted about how they did not want generic messages and they could see them coming a mile away. I would get those CONSTANTLY always from unattractive women who also had the

Your story brought a smile to my heart. Gaming (or whatever activity you want) can be something that grows together and I am really happy for your success story. Its like you beat the jaded internet odds. Keep up the good fight my friend and thanks for the smile of the day.

I agree with what you are saying and if I met a girl who was into gaming I would be totally open to that. However it next to never happens in my personal experience so I choose to do other activities. Gaming is not huge on my list anymore anyways so my view is a tad different.

You are completely right. However, gaming is not a huge passion for me anymore like it used to be if it was then I am sure it would be super important but I value other activities more so I prefer a girl who enjoys those other activities. Your passion could be balloon animals and there will be a girl out there that