
Except Pirelli also told Ferrari the tires could last 40 laps...

whatever Pirelli. they are suppose to go “off” long before they suddenly explode.

Yeah, this is what I don’t get. The Firestones in Indycars become too slow to be worth keeping on the car, long before they’re unsafe. I can’t remember the last time someone in Indycar had a tire go down in a race that couldn’t be traced back to contact or debris.

The thing with this is that well the tire should be freaking loosing performance before exploding like a damn mini nuke. Vettel was running pretty damn consistent times before his right rear went kaput, this is the reason Ferrari was pushing to the end. If the team would have noticed any dropoff in times or the

im not a tony stuart fan at all. but this is in no way his fault. the kid was an idiot for leaving his vehicle.

It’s already been explained very clearly that they are difficult vehicles that require throttle to steer properly. He was trying to avoid a moron walking directly into his path, not kill someone. This case has absolutely no merit and is a huge waste of money for the family.

I think Stewart tried to avoid hitting him because those type of cars are steered with the throttle. I think his initial reaction would be to avoid hitting him, just like any of us would avoid a collision.

I’ve seen a super slow motion video of the incident. The case has no merit, even if he wasn’t high, but throw on the fact that he was high? I hope Stewart counter sue for his court costs.

Just to play devil’s advocate, even if Ward was high (he was) and even if he was doing an insanely idiotic and dangerous thing (he was), there could be some amount of responsibility determined to be on the part of Stewart if he did in fact gun his engine and swing his tail out to clip Ward. Just because one side is

Considering how coherent he is towards the end of the video, my guess is he wasn’t on anything. I think he's just a dick, and the look you see is the realization that he messed up big. The biker really did handle it well though.

Qatar Hero.

...and the U.S. can no longer be in denial of the huge strategic impact that a Chinese military exclusion zone could mean for the region and the world

Well I just rented a Hyundai, took it as fast as I could across the Bonneville Salt Flats, drifted it, got it stuck twice, got it covered in salt, and then took this photo.

Most awesomest photo of a Prius ever in the universe ever:

These are my two votes.
