
In the Exchange case, they were setting their date as the decimal packed into a binary signed integer representation. When it got to 2.2 billion, it exceeded 2^31 and exploded.

By having them going in circles with no idea how to get where they're going?  (It's the roundabout way)

Thanks.. it’s reflex now.

2^31 is 2147483648

Eye sea watt ewe did their...

Max is the Donald Trump of F1. He came from privilege, looks like a complete idiot in a baseball hat, and has exposed rules and conventions to be fragile and corruptible when one chooses to ignore them and take advantage the better judgment of other (astonished) participants.

Uh… paging Gattaca?

Okay, these feel pretty half-baked, especially for the cost... but... but...

I’d been on the fence with the 110, not finding it as pretty as the old one with the odd tail end...

If you do the exact wrong thing with it and store it in a garage.

You sure? That’s not what your mom said last night!

I still remember driving a GSR for the first time and being impressed with the lightness and annoyed with the wheelspin. Then I drove a Type R, and, very shortly thereafter, bought one, new... Yellow. I’m sure I looked like quite a dork.

Because, based on observation, it is the natural resting state of every Toyota-badged vehicle to have a rear bumper dent and a pole-induced tiger stripe. When I wanted to get my hair cut like that, I asked for a “Camry”, and the barber knew exactly what I wanted.

Just get the Toyota.  Those wheel arches will look great with the federally mandated rear bumper dents and door vs. pillar tiger-stripe scrapes.

I have a friend who likes to be introduced as “possibly world famous” because that sort of marketing BS cracks her up.

What’s amazing to me is that it took rule changes specifically hampering low-rake cars (read: Mercedes) and some bafflingly bad strategy choices from Mercedes... and Hamilton is *still* not out of it.

I thought “naw man, this dude is just being super negative...” And then I watched it. Wow.. just wow.

Doesn’t really look like a beast... I think it looks more like a puma...

Screens with cursors and flexible pointers/dials mean more distraction longer.