
Oh shit I don’t know what’s more satisfying. Seeing Lavar Ball (who I also couldn’t stand until this weekend) casually own Trump on Twitter or seeing the professionally (and perpetually) offended offend some other group and then try to “’splain” it away (it’s like watching a snake eat it’s own tail).

Wynona Ryder was busted in California, not China where they take even petty crime hella serious.

No but white’s the only race you’re allowed to publicly shit on these days.

Not to well actually* but a pitching wedge is an iron or at least comes with a set of irons.

Baffles me as well, particularly when women are by orders of magnitude more socially aware it seems like this should be obvious to all. Every time I hear it (which is a shockingly high number) I’m always like yeah that’s like every chick.

This comment needs more love.

Not to mention the guy brags about eating most his meals off the dollar menu at McDs, well known progressive leaders in labor and supply chain practices.

I think you might be me except I’m even older and grosser. I will bitch nonstop to anybody willing to listen about how goddamn sweet the bread is at all these fast food joints. That’s not how it’s supposed to taste.

That’s not what I was responding to. You told dude that it wasn’t gender specific which is demonstratively false.

I think it’s less whataboutism and more thatliterallyhappenstoeverybody because there’s a mile wide difference between what ol’ Harv was up to and getting catcalled or pinched on the butt inappropriately in a bar yet one gets the distinct impression that these are all getting lumped under #metoo. One is some serious

Wut? The blurb explaining it specifically says women.  

You’re not, you just hang with morons.

Not to mention that her whole framing of this as a civil rights issue is hilariously disjointed. I had her at a maybe through the coke plate and threats, or maybe she was extorting him. Whatevs, either way it’s stupid dude with money acting stupid. Hell I’m all good with her extorting his stupid ass for all she can

Yeah I’m with you, it’s lots of shouting from folks on the ends with everybody in middle

See there is and will be some butthurt over cultural appropriation because Bond sure as shit is white as white could be. And the double standard will in fact blaze high and wide. But Idris Elba would make the most bad ass Bond ever so all that’s null and void.

Not without going topless.

Also a cosmically stupid take.

If that’s your two cents you need a refund.

All the lols on this one. You are of course totally correct and totally about to be branded a Nazi of the highest order. Good luck Adolf!

Can’t they just put on the practice squad or cut all together anybody they damn well please?