White people are the good guys here, the black guy is the bad guy.
White people are the good guys here, the black guy is the bad guy.
The evil white people are worth over 200 million. They didn’t need a single cent from this racist foosball clown and never took one. His “lawsuit” will be summarily dismissed.
Uh, not it’s not. It just means you don’t have to run and hide from violent criminals. You still have to meet the legal threshold of “reasonably” fearing for your life or fearing that you might suffer great bodily harm. Democrats just won’t stop lying about that....
Yeah, but what were their pronouns?
Hey, if you guys could write an article that doesn’t include the whole “THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS AWESOME” theme, that’d be great.
Banning assault weapons will of course save us from this horrid fate.🤡
A lever action rifle chambered in piddly .22 magnum would have led to the same number of deaths. You power tripping Democrats want North Korean gun laws AND North Korean style government, you’re just too cowardly to publicly admit it. Now call me a “troll”, “Trumptard”, “ammosexual”, whatever. Don’t care, leftist…
White people bad, non-white people good. Episode No. elebenty bazillion.
The dump truck done messed up.😉
Did it die?
Yeah, freedom and personal responsibility are weird and stuff.
GASP!!!! Only Democrat Party commissars should EVER be allowed to own guns!!!! Socialismo o muerte!!!!