
came for this, left happy.

So, stop doing it when your dog grows up.

The CIA and FBI have high confidence in those assertions; only the NSA is moderate - and likely only because they rely almost solely on electronic intel and generally don’t have the human assets (agents & informants) of the other two in place to further corroborate the data.

Occulus, and Vive are impressive, but this is the reason I’m waiting for 2nd generation at least.

Two people that lived on the same island are distantly related, if you go back a few hundred years? Shocking!

The probes are out there bopping along over 10 billion miles from Earth. When they push data back home, they’re using radio transmitters with 23 watts of power. 23 piddling watts—less than half the wattage of a typical 60 watt weak light bulb.

A very cool idea and very cool design. ignore those other nay-sayers - there is always some half wit prepared to be negative. the pill cap idea is really cool too. What I miss is detail on how you hook up the digispark and the rotary encoder. Can you provide some detail on that? Thanks