
I don’t understand the hate on the turbo. If you take that cover off, which appears to have been stuck on with bubblegum, the exhaust gases will spin up the turbo and suck in fresh air. This would then force more air into your exhaust system and both clean your exhaust emissions and force more, clean compressed air,

@jabber: except then you're talking pubes and dribble and people stop listening.

@Zx3 Fanatic: Thats what I have, same colour too. It is a great car. I agree though that the NA version is pretty boring.

@Che-poodle: Taxes are also a lot different between the two countries. Tax money goes a long way to subsidizing the higher education.

@snownpaint1: Probably the best way to really move those HIV test kits is to sell them with a bottle of tequila. If you pass, you'll want to celebrate; if you fail, you'll want to drown your sorrows. that is a win-win-win situation.

@AMGkiller: Oh i see. sorry I can't watch the video at work

@AMGkiller: umm...really? I know of a lot of Canadian stereotypes, but I didn't think slow drivers was one of them. Especially Quebec.

I bet it turns out this is in 'Vancouver' and will be shipped right to your door once you sign over the cash.

@Isetta: Especially with the diamond encrusted swastika for milking the g-spot

I can't wait for my dad to somehow stumble upon this article and forward it on to me in four or five weeks with the subject 'I'm not as bad as this'

now people fill them with drugs...and stick them up their butts. Necessity really IS the mother of all invention.

What I get from the video is, if you love something (antimatter) you must let it go, and if it returns...profit!

@holy holes batman: I was looking for that article to post earlier today - thanks for finding it!

@Michael Interbartolo III: I am not a doctor and do not prented to be an expert, however - the way these work is by penetrating your clothing and stopping at your skin.

@Bizdady: That's a pretty quick about-face considering your first comment. It's great that you think its fine if you get a pat down, but would have a shit fit if someone did it to your daughter or son. That is the point - standing up for the freedoms of people who cannot do it themselves. So, you have proved my

@Bizdady: Can I rub my hands all over your daughter for her safety?

thanks for Cher-ing