
@osbjmg: EXACTLY! It is not part of my job to know the in's and out's of section 'blah' of the criminal code - but it is the Supervisors job. Is it not entrapment if the TSA tells him to leave, and then wants to charge him with leaving? I do not believe he was willfully breaking the law - but was told what he was

Pics or it didn't happen...

I, also a Canadian, who also works for a company, am also growing a moustache for Movember.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I am glad you saw the humour, I am honestly impressed with your costume and hope that someone recognizes you at your party.

What we really need to do is stop reducing spam by percentages and start reducing it by actual numbers! We will never get to Zero if we are just reducing by percent, knocking 100% down by 15% is commendable, but then we have a NEW 100%!!! It NEVER ENDS!

@RedRaob: change the '/gallery' to ':gallery'

@Møbius: I thought he drove an Escape?

Can you group apps into folders? Like could I group all of those email tiles into a folder and call it 'email' and maybe some of the media ones and call it 'media'?

@MattAwesome: @Dianoga: Thanks for the quick replies!

I can't watch the video here at work, but is the 'real' guitar any guitar? Can I use my own strat or les paul?

@Elhigh: You know if you break any encription on any of those CD's you rip, that's illegal too.

You guys see that hot blonde behind him?

I used to get calls from a fax machine at like 1 in the morning 3 nights a week. It was a blocked number to boot. Man, that was a pain in the ass, I had to eventually call my telephone provider (local not one of the huge ones) and get them to contact the owner of the number to get it to stop. It did stop though -

I am going to call shenanigans on Ray Wert's answer - i think his real 'car that got away' was whatever he took to his high school reuinion.

@zeusrex: Statistically speaking, most rapists are middle aged white men. So would it be cool if my buddy Itchy Triggerfinger spent his time keeping tabs on you, you know, just incase you might rape some girl?

@Weakskills: If i were to guess, i'd say under a bridge somewhere, feeding on billy goats