
Most hot girls i know have Civic's. To THEM that is a hot car, including the obligatory lei hanging around the rearview mirror. I knew a hot girl with a VW Corrado once. The problem will be that everything will go 'i knew a hot girl who drove a *blank* once' But really, hot girls don't drive, I drive them.

@POLAR: wait thats NOT cool? DAMNIT! I really need to read the comments after looking at the pictures before I modify my neighbours car. he is going to be pissed!

@2trips: is it a clearance blowout?

my dishwasher is loud and i set it to start in the middle of the night. It woke me up around 2 am one night and i thought someone was in the house. while laying there, half asleep, all i could hear was water running. At first i thought maybe a pipe had burst somehwere, then i went back to thinking someone broke into

it doesnt matter what she tells you, there is no sex in the chapange room.

They probaby thought they were doing somebody a favour by stealing a purple Altima.

@Solo_Racer: Tom had a hate on for her because she took happy pills to get over post parten depression. why do i know that? jeebus I have forgotten something important i am sure of it!

@teargas: I know! I wouldn't even be able to put that on my lawnmower!

GUYS!!! Giver her a BREAK!!! GOD! She was ALL SEXED OUT!

@TR3-A: is that not 'cowel' induction? Or am i thinking of something else? I agree with you on that point though.

is there a subliminal joke about punks with that picture before the jump? Drive your Camaro over some PUNKins?

I would rather they do it than the Chinese. I, personally, don't think that people in NA would buy a brand new car that cheap. There is a lot implied in the price of the car, and we as a people in North American are fairly brand concious (read: 'stuck up') when it comes to things. Add a lower case 'i' to anything and

Nice Wayne's World reference...SHWING!

...a Jalopy?

as hot as this car is i probably would have just gone with the special massage, that would have put me right to sleep.

@POwer: you know ASIMO is made by Honda right?

1999 Toyota RacingPaseo fer sure. Actually a Celica GT-Four gets me wet on the inside.

i hate car jackkers. when you catch the guy, tell him he's got a pretty mouth, then show him how you feel, whith your hands and feet and teeth. i had a friend that stole a car once. we're not friends anymore and i can't go within 100m of him. fair trade.