
i think he just got out of the car and is clenching so that he doesn't crap his pants! i mean i feel compelled to clench from just LOOKING at the picture let alone driving the car!

Johnny, it snows here all frigging winter. I had to get towed out of my driveway this past winter (mostly from a split second flash of brilliance that sounded like 'i can totally ramp that!'). You are more than welcome to make the trip up to Ontario and powerslide all over my town.

I would go with the WRX...especially in it's new incarnation. It went from stripped down asstastick hoon mobile that left you wet and wanting more to a bland, soft Ford Fuckus with the nostirls of a recovering cocaine addict. bring me back a car that flipped the bird to boring design ideas and redefined 'ugly' as an

I need a smoke after that...

I would have thought the CX-7 would have fit better with at least half of that group. the rogue, the enclave and the veracruze only have 2 rows don't they? Maybe i should just go back to sleep under my desk.

Van Halen SCREAMS bitchen Camero to me.

buy a car, a very very fast car. race this car and win. with the winnings, buy a house. it's easy. i can't see a downside. quit reading these posts and go find an autotrader. now.

I was in the same situation at this time last year. I'm not married though (only 24) and I decided HOUSE because renting was on par with a mortgage payment. Go with CAR! Rent forever. Buy something fast and totally unrealistic. Look at the difference between your rent and a mortgage, probably around $400 (give or

you know that the only way we will ever get cures for these diseases (and AIDS and herpes etc) will be for the government to contract them, all of them, including Bush. you want to see funding for medical research? there is your solution.

I think this guy needs to learn about commas and zeros when it comes to money. you see, $46,000 is an absurd amount of money to spend on anything. $4,600 is a little more reasonable. Also, if you need to buy a car to get to use the HOV lane...maybe it would be a bit cheaper just to make a couple of friends at work and

i would suggest some form of drinking game for this too, but i don't want to advocate drinking and driving.

I don't care that it was invented in California, we, the people of Ontario, get the Zamboni. Not that fancy battery powered one that changes colour, we get a tractor converted to run off of propane, dragging an auger with a garden hose attachment, with studded tires (that leave little chips in the

@WheatKing: @Rust-MyEnemy: where i went to school we had Automotive Design and Automotive Manufacturing (and Automotive Marketing...and some other courses but i never met people from them). I took manufacturing and knew a lot of the guys in the design class. i worked with one on a co-op who spent the co-op making a 3D

@rotorglow: you have a point with the weight but not with the price. the AWD speed6 is ~33K here in Canada, and the speed3 is ~32K. when we are talking this much power in an every day driver, the extra weight of an AWD system is not really an issue.

where do i get a job spewing out total garbage like this predicting what we will drive in a zillion years? i could do this for years and years; rhym off things that my new design could do if the technology existed today...

why won't they just add another drive shaft to the back wheels? then they wouldn't have to take away any power in 1st and 2nd and subaru would need to totally redesign the WRX!

does he have one that implies "do not use a hammer on this!"? I have a friend who is a backyard mechanic; most of his tools are shiny, except his crowbar, hammer and monkey wrench.

if that doesn't scream to be sold in Texas, i don't know what does.

man i am glad this stuff is blocked on my interwebworld at work...i would burst out laughing and disturb the cubicle village which is my hell

Herpes - with the tagline 'everyone will want to know where you got it from'