
Ray, i notice in the picture that all of you happen to be in a GIANT HANDYCAP parking lot. A little poetic justice?

isn't this the car that Ace and Gary drove around in on The Ambiguously Gay Duo? I mean really, what is MORE PHALIC than the body of this car? it ISSSSS A PENIS!

Did you, by chance, write any software documents for Autodesk Inventor or Solidworks? My god that stuff will make your eyes fall out of your head.

can i pick the McLaren F1 with the BMW S70 engine??

maybe he should have been an enduro racer...she does BREED RABBITS fer crissakes!!!

that is...incredible. I will take the one sans Authentic metal Porsche logo on the wheel for $100.

one to leave out: STOPtional

this is just like the jetsons! flying cars MUST be just over the horizon.

in russia, VODKA DRINKS YOU! then makes you build this.

I am sure developing this stuff costs an assload more than actually developing a decent CVT tranny. It doesn't matter how hard you try, you can never remove the human element that will be gabbing on it's cell phone while it rear ends you.

@no_slushbox: careful, you might win...then what? You would have to describe how to actually build emotions like 'a front end of fear, a rear end of passion and panels that glitter with the sparkle of intelligence'

@TPSreports: i like that 'man gravey' is part of the if she is being basted...

halloween is an excuse for girls to dress up as sluts...maybe Toyota is working on this being the Automotive Equvalent to a, easy and loose, but satisfying.

so in crawling rush hour traffic you get an audible warning from the two cars behind/beside you? Sweet, if that doesn't spell ROAD RAGE i don't know what does!

@3wheeler: @d4005: DONT GOOGLE IT!! Read the comments here about 'in your FACE' 'puddles of FLUID on other cars' and put it together. If you must google something totally innapropriate, google Goatse... ever been in a racing Paseo?

@htrodblder: That does explain everything, he probably did this during the hockey strike. it's cold up here in the winter, even with a toque on your head, a belly full of poutine and an old chesterfield on the fire.

man i need to stop doing acid at work. things like this just screw up my trip for the rest of the day.

i think that other guy played the drinking game BEFORE he got on TV...what the hell is he really thinking?

@holeydonut: I second the idea bout the Miss Teen USA as long as you can get them to say something about her coming in SECOND...people seem to confuse second runner up wtih first runner up...