
If they allow vouchers in your state, I believe local has nothing to say about it. What’s worse, is there are horror stories where Charters start up, take the money, and fail before the school year is over leaving kids with out a school and a public education system shortchanged when it comes to serving those now

See what happens when you don’t vote/submit a “protest” vote?

Why do people hate periods.

People get pissed with me for texting a paragraph instead of lots of shorter texts. Like either way it’s the same amount of information, wouldn’t you rather have your phone ring once instead of a dozen times?

I remember seeing a study suggest that periods are considered inauthentic in fast paced text speak because it means you had to think about what you wrote. It’s ludicrous, but apparently very common.

I know, right? A well placed period in a text convo can be very powerful, especially when I’m trying to convey I am annoyed ;)

Why do people hate periods.

I’m so terribly fucked. I owe more than $35k let alone have that much saved.

Daft punk isn’t though, that’s the real reason starboy sounds so good.

Do you remember this one? I seriously never forgot this bikini.

I have those same dreams! I have so many weird teeth dreams, which is apparently common.

Evangelicals are the worst fucking people. Yea I said it.

This is the way the world ends

I’ve started to not rage so much about what he’s doing pre-inauguration since 1) it’s not good for my health and 2) he’s going to do whatever he wants until then.

Are you fucking kidding me? Because in America, one of our strongest values is that each and every citizen has an equal voice in our governance. The goddamned President-Elect of the country should not celebrate the fact that ANY of his constituency — for whatever reason — did not use that voice.

Also: referring to a portion of your new constituents as “they” when speaking to crowds is an extremely troubling precedent for a President to set.

and taking meetings with celebrities and shady financiers.

The problem is less what he says at these stupid fucking rallies than the fact that he’s having them at all.

I feel bad for YA dystopia writers. There they sit in their garrets, churning out terrible, unlikely, heel-turn worlds for young readers to explore and enjoy. Then they read the newspaper and suddenly their high-concept, knights-move plot is just, like, Tuesday’s headlines in the paper. Only maybe even true.

I feel there’s something to the order of this list