
But we don’t always do our part. Just this morning another POC was engaging in this: Laughing at the fucking anguish of POC and allies because we had the motherfucking audacity to protest last night and they didn’t think that protests were an appropriate response. What in the fuck is

Amen. This is a problem. As I white woman I have been guilty of giving family members a pass until recently, took my own grandma down a notch because she made some super racist comments about mexican and black people, excommunicated my mother, dad, and brother for their hate spewing and voting for a man who’s

How about you talk to African-Americans and Latinos who showed their asses and voted for Trump more than they did for Romney.

I burned every bridge with my Trump voting family members yesterday. At first it was scary. Then it felt good.

What do you mean “do your part?” You didn’t show up. Those numbers are real and they don’t lie. You. DID NOT. SHOW UP.

“How about you so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?”

Wait, so minority women do our part (like we’ve ALWAYS done) and it’s still get back to work. How about white America gets to work on themselves? How about you so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?

Dream on. I guess it’s just a coincidence that every president has been male. I’m not trying to convince you because I understand that deliberate obtuseness is not curable.

If your fictitious woman had 3 husbands and 6 children by 3 men and cheated on all of them - like Trump, that woman would have been run out of the primaries on a rail.

Don’t you remember the age old adage “he’s gone reasonable with power”, or maybe the related one, “absolute power always makes people more grounded, absolutely”?

I don’t think Trump has any desire to do any actual work. And all former Presidents have always said that the bulk of the presidency is not glamorous, or exciting, or anything like that. It’s long meetings, details, etc. He will refuse to do that mess. Pence is going to do it. Which...who knows if that’s much better?

It feels like the era of recovering from the malfeasance and mismanagement of the Bush years is over. And we are sliding back down a steep gravel slope on our hands and knees.

I am walking around today feeling like the pain she is feeling is mine too. It was her loss, it was my loss too and I am feeling it deeply as I struggle not to cry at my desk today. I feel I admire Clinton more than before. We may never call her Madam President, but I think we all will remember her grace and her

He’s my senator. If I feel like he’s not doing his job, I have every right to want him out of office.

Same in Florida. Fuck everyone of them and their ‘protest vote’.

This idea that our fellow citizens are innately good people.

You know what, I’m not buying it.

The margin of victory for Trump in Michigan and Wisconsin was less than the total of Jill Stein voters in both sates. If those precious little babies had simply voted strategically the “meaning” we are all about to start deriving from this shit-show would have been radically different.

Well, well, well, here I go again: since I posted at the Gary Johnson one, it’s only fair to post it here too...

I hope Sue gets her own call-out article as well.