
Feeling down. Watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Works every time.

Umm... Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and rage against the limitations imposed by your own mind.


and past tests organized by the university...

Have you ever considered that these are not intentional attacks/propaganda and that it is really just an issue of your perception? I too was a Catholic (Christianity marketed to Romans) long ago so I can appreciate how this view could form. You seem to be projecting here with the statements pertaining to the fear of

Idiot, the reason we have the freedoms we do in America is because we have absolutely no patience when it comes to being opressed. Our country was founded by raising the bullshit flag. It's a constant battle to maintain freedom. Perhaps instead of insulting us for it the rest of the world should put aside their envy

My pleasure, been so busy playing Gunslinger Stratos I didnt notice this article.

If a game ever deserved a graphically update remake in the form of a director's cut or complete edition it's FF7. It would destroy sales charts even in this low brow game dominated era. If they somehow worked the plot of Advent Children into an epilogue it would be the most epic production of all time. I know

I enjoyed plus but umm seriously after my first 90 day stint It wasn't really all that worth it. Dude if old PS games are your arguement against XNA you seriously need to drop the pipe. I wasnt even talking just arcade games. I was talking Indie bro. You obviously harbor a serious bias with that shooter statement.

The Staff at Gizmodo probably jizzed all over themselves when they saw another Steve Jobs article being done. This site has lost all tech credibility. Silly fan bois.

Why? Will me arguing with you over this point make you feel better about not being able to understand where the staff at Bioware was coming from with the series? Probably not. Perhaps you should find a game written by people who align better with you. For example if you didn't get the reference about singing the

Umm I own both systems though perhaps you don't, Microsoft is lightyears ahead of Sony when it come to online offerings. Sony has no viable answer to XNA.

I don't mind Microsoft's contribution to gaming as they did alot to further online console gaming. Do to the early sucess of the Wii and now the Kinect I think core gamers will be rather dissapointed with the direction of the next gen consoles from the big 3. Not to mention too much garbage is being rehashed on the

Ya, It's kinda of pointless expecting people who couldn't figure out what was going on at the end of the game to understand your posts about them not getting it. No, I wasn't talking about the retarded fan fiction indoctrination theory either. My post went over your head just like the ending. There is a difference

Wow, the people who hated the game's ending keep proving to me how slow they are with each post. For those of you who lack in comprehension and class please don't buy another Bioware game (as most of you tools threaten) and stick with whatever other crap you peeps play. Alot of us (dare I say a majority) enjoyed the

LOL Bioware you brought this on yourselves by making your game more accessible with each iteration. You invited the tools to your table and the feast was too complex for them. LOL peoples arguements against ME3 show how little they got the point. I'm surprised there aren't more people bitching about the only real

Umm the Earth just experienced a serious population decline she will have some room and I am sure everyone is capable of working that small detail out. Come on man they managed the crucible together use some common sense. Not to mention alot of those fleets were already in full retreat like the Normandy. I can almost

Like I said your decisions. The geth and the Quarians are doing great together. They will probably have the relays back up in a few years or make some fast ass ships that dont even need relays. The Krogans are doing great thanks to Mordin's sacrifice. The Turians are doing fine with the Krogan aid they got. I mean

Wow, your ending sucked.Pretty much everyone lived in my ending plus there was no longer an obstacle for Joker getting it on with EDI. Perhaps you should of played a bit more and made better decisions. Game has like 7 endings though honestly only 3 real variations. I was pretty happy. Also I think your assumption

Thats what I thought. Run back to imagination land.