
But roadhead is still ok, right?

I guess it's easier for you to lie.

In other words you've never been to Japan.

Sorry would nationalist or racist have worked for you better?

I've tried to get excited over and over again about new Japanese games and it's constantly lead to dissapointment. I can't blame Fish for making this comment. Modern japanese productions hold on to some really old tired game destroying concepts (the word linear comes to mind for one). Western developers raised the bar

Sounds like an idiot to me.

Lay off gique. Just because it's their culture doesn't make it any less retarded in a logical sense.

Squids claiming they've experienced a combat zone. LOL What a riot. Hahahaha! Oh man that made my night. There was definately an arguement there and it's exactly why you brought up Africa. You know I am right but refuse to admit it. Whatever floats your boat Warrior Seaman. LMFAO! - With love from the border of

Chrome Hounds 2 without a doubt but Skies of Arcadia 2 would be awesome also.

There really isn't. You'd have to be in the scene to understand. Community hacking has always been the way to go and there are loose affiliations but no real leadership structure. If someone wants to try an exploit they may try and get help by sharing information or assisting someone else first. Sometimes mirc is used

Whatever you say TEAM AMERICA. If we were going to really start caring about the welfare of others in the world on any serious level the party would not start in China by a long shot. Nor would our consumer practices even need to be close to the first thing we would need to address. You haven't actually been around

You know I've easily read over a thousand books in my lifetime and Fall of Reach was the only video game book I've ever read. That being said it's by far one of the best. Don't hate.

Oh noes you didn't!

Simplified - Lead by example not through tyranny Team America.

It's their damn country! Countless American's have died so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today. If things are that bad in China let these people figure it out for themselves and fight for their own rights. They won't appreciate it otherwise. We sure as hell can't make them do it. The more we meddle in their

I don't think they are trying to put out any fires. The status quo needs to go away. People are really getting sick of the tyranny being displayed by the 1% and their dog the government. Things need to get much worse before they will get better. The country was founded by this very same rebellious belligerent spririt.

I'm pretty sure it was up up down down left right left right B A SELECT start. Atleast the one from Contra. So the T-Shirt is miising a button.

Xbox Exclusives have always been fewer considering the lackluster support the system recieves in Japan. Though when we are talking system sellers thats another story all together. I'm pretty sure the gears series alone has completely outsold the bulk of Sony's first party line up. Ni No Kuni is the only must have I'm

Those arent their wives. LOL.

Seriously... I can imagine how this happened. Worker #1 "Hey man there is no New Years bonus!" Worker # 2 "What!? It's the year of the motherfreaken DRAGON! They can't do this!"