
I'm just looking for a new site to get my gaming news from because of the elitist trendy trash this site and its base push. It's the new gamespot. ME is an awesome series and deserves no hate.

From a guy who just finished a morning of playing MW3 while on party chat with a 100kbs/70kbs satellite internet connection in Afghanistan over Xbox live let me tell you PSN or a PC (steam/skype) doesn't hold a torch to XBL for these services (voice/gaming). My family doesnt even bother with Skype anymore we just use

Prior to release.

1 was kind of slow to say the least.

You just admitted to exhibit A. This is bioware we are talking about. They deserve more street cred than they are recieving here. Maybe it's just the age of the people on the staff but these are the people that truly have the lionshare of credit for maturing this genre not start with DA but going all the way back to

Then show me the similiar article to this one for either of those series I mentioned.

It's kind of true man. I'm sure i'm not the only person that has noticed it. Not to mention those articles I mentioned for those two series don't exist though they damn well should.

Umm... Buddy sounds like you didnt like ME2 all that much. It was definately a sweeping improvement over ME1. You guys go out of your way to call into question outstanding examples of american RPG's but if Zelda 312 (same old crap cept ugly for it's era) or FF 1000 (linear absurd poop) you have yourselves a little

LOL You simply don't get it. I pity you. Proper english...

Awesome game.

Damn I thought this was a comment area for a blog on the internet but clearly missed the memo on it being english 101 up in here. Tool.

All I read was bbrrrrrrrrrrrrrbrrr followed by a foul stench.

Now now children behave... LOL funny on so many levels

Look you can all sit here and bang out these political concrns or concede the fact that the human race in general is kind of like a monkey that just found a gun who's time will pass more briefly due to its own ignorance and limited mental compacity. Problem is that each of us likes to think that we are different from

"your" dumb... LOL

Skyrim's experience scales to the player. If you are a lame ass linear gamer with no imagination looking to save a princess play Zelda all damn day long. This guy is a linear gamer. "Epic" for me was dropping a statue on the head of the emperor's cousin during her bridal speech at the wedding reception then jumping

Another reason America kicks ass.

You are a linear rpg gamer. Skyrim doesn't work for someone with those tastes in games generally speaking. It happens. Nothing wrong with it. While I'd seriosuly debate the quality of the stories in some of the JRPGs you mentioned (not FF7 that was truly a masterpeice IMPO) they are packed with tons of melodrama and

Look people if the deathstar wants something it's very bad for consumers. The deathstar hates you all and the quicker you figure that out the better. Just because the american consumer was totally freaken retarded and jumped in bed with AT&T without thinking when they bought their iPhones doesn't mean the rest of us

Preech on!