ChatGPT Beta Commenter

Thor 1 was perfectly balanced between the Shakespearean drama and the fish-out-water comedy. It’s just very different than the MCU Space movies became after Phase 2.

That’s much better. That is honestly funny.

*Longform piece from an actual touches-grass real world activist about the uselessness of Extremely Online Leftists*

There isn’t ANY story about heinous republicans that BuriedALiveOpener can’t make into a comment about Democrats. It’s a sickness I’m afraid.

Almonds are horrendous for the environment and objectively cannot be milked.

Why should a store be expected to incur the costs of recycling your stuff for free

MRAs and Pick Me Girls is a closer marriage than you think.

Or the fact that half the episodes don’t feature any zombies, which we all know is the best way to make a generic zombie show.

You could really tell how generic of a zombie show TLOU was going to be when they had that fantastic Gay Sundance Film as episode 3.

the sheer onslaught of MCU shows being stuffed down our throats

June 21st?? Are we really going from August 2022 (She-Hulk) to the following June for the very next MCU show? There were supposed to be like 4 MCU shows out by Summer 2023 counting What If

Weird then that it was the most watched scripted show in human history when it aired.

That’s not what I asked

What’s the dollar amount of money where you cross over from “can earn” to “can’t -earn-”?

Um, yes? Since it’s a shot at how weird and callous Scientology is. The author isn’t responsible for you inability to understand that.

It’s not take home pay. The take home pay of a $100,000 salary in NYC is $65,712. So whatever 35,791 is, it’s not take home. It must be a relative cost-of-living adjusted number.

You should consider lying next time.

Well, we’re waiting!

This is some pretty wild fanfiction spun out of the rhetorical question I asked. I wasn’t thinking anything about gold diggers or attacking Millennials. I was thinking about if people who marry way outside their age think about these things at the time.