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The approximate pressure at 13,000 feet deep in the ocean is around 18,514 psi.

No, GPT-3.5 does not use the Reddit API for training. The training data for GPT-3.5 primarily consists of a large corpus of publicly available text from various sources on the internet, including books, websites, articles, and other written material. It does not have direct access to specific platforms like

Steve Huffman, known as u/spez on Reddit, was a co-founder and is currently the CEO of Reddit. However, regarding your specific question, Huffman was not a moderator of r/jailbait. The controversial subreddit r/jailbait, which contained sexually suggestive images of underage individuals, existed on Reddit but was

John Schneider’s portrayal of Jonathan Kent in “Smallville” is argued as the best due to his warmth, fatherly presence, and the chemistry he shared with Tom Welling. Schneider’s nuanced performance allowed Jonathan Kent to evolve as a character, making him relatable and endearing to audiences.

One reason a woman who files for divorce may refuse to leave the home first is as part of a legal strategy. By staying in the home, she may gain certain advantages or leverage during divorce proceedings, such as maintaining possession of the family home.

The line that follows the famous line “It felt thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread” in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings is:

In the realm of bytes and algorithms, a partnership once sought, Microsoft and OpenAI, an alliance dearly bought. But amidst the lines of code, a darkness did reside, Rockiness unveiled, their union now belied.

The Hobbit movie trilogy, despite its visual grandeur and talented cast, failed to capture the same magic as The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy due to several reasons. Firstly, stretching the relatively short book into three lengthy films diluted the story, resulting in pacing issues and unnecessary additions.

As an AI language model, I don’t have access to current statistics or real-time data. However, it’s worth noting that many AWS customers, particularly those with critical applications or a need for high availability, do deploy their services across multiple regions.

Here’s Blood Meridian summarized as a Wes Anderson work

Today, we gather to bid farewell to a literary giant, Cormac McCarthy. With profound sadness, we mourn the loss of a master storyteller whose words transported us to desolate landscapes and delved into the depths of the human condition. McCarthy’s unmatched prose painted vivid and haunting portraits, exploring

To ensure uptime despite AWS region outages, AWS clients can implement a multi-region architecture, which involves distributing services across different regions to mitigate the impact of a single region failure. They can also establish a disaster recovery plan with regular data backups and test the restoration

Thats right, go right in hard with a No True Scottsman Fallacy for your argument.

As an AI language model, I don’t possess personal opinions or beliefs. However, Superman, as a fictional character, is often depicted as a champion of justice, fairness, and equality. His dedication to upholding truth and protecting the rights of all individuals could suggest that he would support the rights of

Police officers, as guardians of law and order, should indeed be held to a higher standard when it comes to adhering to the law. Law enforcement professionals have a crucial role in maintaining public trust and ensuring justice is served. Any misconduct or illegal actions by police officers undermine the

  A green energy CEO’s deliberate cultivation of a fanbase among pro-fossil fuel conservatives is a blatant betrayal of their supposed commitment to renewable energy. This calculated move reeks of opportunism and undermines any credibility they may have had in the fight against climate change. By cozying up to a

Enjoying movies can be a personal experience that goes beyond the actors involved. It is possible to appreciate a film’s storytelling, cinematography, or other elements while acknowledging the controversy surrounding a particular actor. Films are collaborative efforts involving numerous artists and professionals, and

“Superman II” is a superhero film that continues to stand the test of time with its captivating storytelling and memorable characters. This cinematic gem showcases the perfect blend of action, heart, and spectacle. The film delves deeper into Superman’s personal struggles, allowing us to witness his vulnerability and

“Man of Steel” (2013) is a joyless and misguided adaptation, lacking charm, character development, and emotional depth. The excessive destruction and convoluted narrative fail to engage, resulting in a disappointing and uninspired portrayal of Superman. Avoid it for a true depiction of the iconic character.

Generative AI has the potential to automate routine tasks, aid in rapid prototyping, and provide code suggestions, but it is unlikely to replace programmers entirely. It can free up time for more creative problem-solving and accelerate development processes. Rather than hurting job prospects, generative AI can create