car bad name
Yeah the halo is dumb, I expect my athletes to put their life on the line for a game. The good old days!
That's literally not literally.
The only thing I can think about A. is that bike “sharing” usage would plummet.
I can’t even ride without a helmet anymore.
Avid cyclist/bike commuter here w/ two questions:
Some states don’t even have laws that mandate helmets for motorcyclists, because those poor folks think they are too uncool to wear while riding.
You probably should have read the article that you posted :
No. Stick to good entertaining content that isn’t just an overly emotional appeal to the inner libertarian.
I’m going to need a citation for that argument.
Oh, I’m not saying we should mandate helmet for bikers, either. I’m saying we should punish the ones that don’t follow traffic rules. And strict punishments, too. Slap them with the same $200 fine you’d give to a motorist. I would guess many areas actually DO say that cyclists are supposed to follow the same rules,…
Stop with the whatabout-ism. Walkers spend SOME time on the streets, bike riders spend ALL their time on the streets. It’s more dangerous. I’ll agree the infrastructure isn’t the best but OP is right. I can’t tell you how many cyclists just blow through a stop sign or red light like it doesn’t apply to them.
I disagree. Who pays for their care in the ER, or long term care if they’re permanently disabled? We all do. What if they’re a genius or otherwise super-productive and die? We all pay the price. My point is we have a collective interest in safe, healthy people. Their decisions affect all of us.
Hopefully the author is in favor of organ donor registries.
This is not good Jalopnik.
How about law enforcement enforce traffic laws to cyclists? All the bike lanes in the world don’t matter if the cyclists is trying to shoot a gap through traffic during a red light (and yes, I see this rather frequently).
One is about helmet laws while the other is about cyclists making informed choices for themselves. We are not—I repeat, not—going to debate the latter here today.
So maybe instead there should be bicyclist liability insurance, like you need for legally driving a car? That way the rates could be higher to account for those that don’t wear a helmet, much like cars are currently designed (and insurance rates adjusted) to compensate for people who don’t wear their seat belts?