
I’m glad to see this show getting another shot. Sure it’s geared towards kids but I think it had potential so I’m looking forward to it. 

Now I just need them to release a model kit for the Voyager-A and I’ll be set.

Dismiss your tomato troll please.

Instead of lightsaber, he can use a light Molotov cocktail! 

Unless presented with evidence that it isn’t Qimir, I’m going to refer to the master as Darth Bortles.

Do we know why it happened right now? The show isn’t currently airing, correct?

same this is a fresh breath of air so far and i hope, and think, it will stick the landing. 

It also was in the show, but consider that conservatives of this stripe are the dumbest people on the planet, and wouldn’t be able to pick up on extremely obvious things immediately.  Also, you should watch the show, since it’s pretty different from the comics and vastly better.

In before all the “culture war” nonsense comments- I’m enjoying the series for what it is.

Those are a lot of words just to say you have been clinically diagnosed with media dyslexia, possibly media illiteracy or media blindness even?

Everything is politics, mate. Not talking politics and just doing entertainment in a show is taking a political stance, just like say, Elon Musk shutting Ukraine out of Starlink to prevent getting involved in the conflict is him taking a stance in the conflict.

Wa, wa, wa, wa.

There was recently an article or something about Starship Troopers & how some people were mad at it because they did not realize it was satire or something.

You would be amazed at how blatantly stupid people are to be able to miss that. “Would you like to know more?”

I mean WTF!


Wow, all they did was make a simple correction and you respond with insults. 

Because they can’t or their internal worlds crumble like Berlin 1945.

You realize they will never have that “moment” because of their self-persecution and ability to rationalize away any sense of facts that run contrary to their beliefs.

The “Are we the baddies” requires one to take a look at themselves in a real mirror and ask this question.. but they are intent on using Trump Branded

They love scams, it’s why they want the scammer in chief back.

These people just WANT to be scammed. They are the living embodiment of the "shut up and take my money" gif.