
Oh, this poor whistleblower, he had such stress in his life, it’s no wonder he committed suicide via skydiving without a parachute after shooting himself 5 times while taking enough cyanide to wipe out an entire nation.

I don’t know about everyone else, but the last few times I’ve flown I’ve looked at the make and model of the plane and experienced legit anxiety over flying in Boeings. Allowing an industry such as that to essentially regulate itself was a genius idea that should have died in the crib.

Forget the fines and jail. The Boeing execs should be forced to fly on their own planes.

I see the yellow “S” is back on Superman’s cape where it belongs. At least Warner Bros got that costume design decision right.

They went for a cheap electric motor on their $100k car, which has proved that it wasn’t up to the job?

Now playing

Mercedes used to use a mono-wiper on some cars. The mechanism was more complex and may have broken more. It also used a heavier wiper, designed for trucks, so may have needed a stronger motor to run it.

Oh geezus a both sides-er. It's all on one side. 

It is much easier to simplify but knowing that I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting the staff he’ll bring and cabinet he’ll appoint. Biden winning means having an executive office that will appoint competent people for the various positions that can have real impact on our everyday lives instead of a handful of

Hmm, I think banging your head against the wall for two hours will be more productive. Trump debates like pidgeons play chess. 

Claiming that Biden is trying to divide the country is not only laughable but also facetious. Biden has said many times that he is President for everyone. Trump routinely refers to his rivals as vermin that need to be rooted out. He’s a fucking psychopath. Don’t try and equate the two.

False equivalence. It’s a fucking shame that these are the two only options for President in a country of 330 million people. However, you cannot equate Biden with Trump. Biden was trying to be respectful in 2020 during the debates. Trump has zero class or decorum. He just doesn’t shut up. He doesn’t possess the

The rare undecided voter?

Whatever they actually say in policy doesn’t matter, especially with Trump. What matters is whether Trump comes across as being very visibly in decline or dementia, in a way that goes below even the very low expectations for him going into the debate. 

I don’t believe for a minute that Donald, the constantly lying severely mentally ill criminal, will actually show up.  The fascist will beg off with one of his usual lies.


Not buying 65% of advertisers have returned. She’s lied before and as it’s privately held, she has no (enforced, legal) reason to tell the truth. But she does like lying to appease her boss. I have seen zero normal advertisers on Twitter — just the equivalent of “public access tv ads” and grifter scum. So maybe 65% by

I’d settle for the rocket blowing up.

Seems like if it is a choice between anything and losing money, Twitter is going to choose the second one.