
They’ve literally blamed everyone but their own management and direction team

I hope these people continue to fail, because blaming anyone but themselves for that trash they put out and the resulting dumpster fire that ensued is insane.

Great. Now fade in obscurity and don’t come back

Everyone who *requested* a refund got one. I'm willing to bet they made a pretty profit off the people who forgot to or didn't know they could get a refund.

I enjoy seeing this fascist defeated and humiliated but none of us will have peace until his Trump led fascist Republican Party is just as defeated.

re not actually having any platform to speak of

Disney can and has gotten really, REALLY petty with DeSantis about his bullshit so him suspending the campaign is akin to reversing course and walking back into the lion’s den so to speak.

My curiosity is how Lady Macbeth took the news that she’d never be Jackie O. I’m kinda sorry we missed that. 

Ron DeSantis should be forced to carry his presidential campaign to term.

Varada Sethu has worked basically her entire career in UK TV; this seems like a premature worry.

I really loved Yaz. And feel completely robbed we never got a Thirteen/Yaz kiss. 


Imagine being so insecure about your own skin color that something like this sets you off.  Just sad really

Yaz was a favorite of mine but she always deserved a little more spotlight than she got IMO

I started to like Yaz a lot better after she fell in love with The Doctor and started calling her on some of her secretive, manipulative behavior. It felt like the writers figured out that character way too late.

Gray suits you better.

I just feel bad for all the mechanics who are going to have clean the tailpipes in Oklahoma.

That face alone is a sex crime. 

Whenever people yearn for the good ol’ days… which days were actually good? When did sex criminals not exist? 

The picture is alarming enough, never mind the horrifying allegations...