
Or done in reverse, with the creative stuff exploding out of the ipad.

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, be quiet.

Mentally ill Trump simps don’t have much going on in their lives.

Who let your worthless troll ass out of the greys? Abort yourself. 

Grifter uses current buzzword to extract investment money from suckers, film at 11.

Who let your useless troll ass out of the greys, bigot? Abort yourself.


“trustworthy” = “simpering yes man”

This looks like a cutscene from the game of the movie. The PS3 game of the movie.

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, abort yourself.

Hush now troll, your betters are talking.

Hush now troll, the grownups are talking.

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, be quiet.

Broth, James Broth was right there...

Well I’m sure this will be just delightful.

*looks at username*

If it gives us Lt. Kettch on the big screen, all is forgiven.

 Who let your worthless ass out of the greys, troll? Abort yourself. 

Elon will never fuck you. He doesn’t even know you’re alive.