
Someone better than you.

Quit your whining.

End yourself, the world will do fine without your idiocy.

Drown yourself.

End yourself, nobody will miss you.

Gun cleaning accident?

It’s just a pissbaby troll who’s scared of gays and black people.

Try again once you’ve regained contact with reality.

They had me at Iain De Caestecker and lost me at MGM+.

It’s not even astonishing anymore how little gamers know or even want to know about how games are made.

It’s fun watching the troll try and spin this as a win.

It’s so much fun watching you try to cope.

His terms are acceptable.

Right?! The guy just makes everything better.

“You did good, son. You did good.

Die mad and alone, Rick. Nobody will miss you. 

Right-wing snowflakes flaking out, as usual.

Oh come on, that’s just being reductive and — oh.

Hush now, your betters are talking.

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, end yourself.