
It’s so much fun watching you try to cope.

His terms are acceptable.

Right?! The guy just makes everything better.

“You did good, son. You did good.

Die mad and alone, Rick. Nobody will miss you. 

Right-wing snowflakes flaking out, as usual.

Oh come on, that’s just being reductive and — oh.

Hush now, your betters are talking.

You’re too stupid to have an opinion, end yourself.

You’re always so fucking stupid. You should be mocked until you’re driven to suicide.

Hush now, your betters are talking.

You asked for it:

Elon’s never gonna fuck you. He doesn’t even know you exist.

Elon’s never gonna fuck you, he doesn’t even know you’re alive.

What a tiresome little attention whore.

Delete your account and stop wasting your life.

I wish them as much success as they would have chasing after NFTs.

Even Uncle Toms have standards?

You sound triggered.

That’s probably cause you’re an obvious bigot arguing in bad faith.