I see a Pratchett reference, I give the star.
I see a Pratchett reference, I give the star.
Shut the fuck up, you tiresome idiot.
The view at the top of the glass cliff must be nice. For a little while.
No, no, no EA. AI is the grift buzzword of the moment. Try and keep up, won’t you?
Who let your bigoted idiocy out of the greys?
You’d understand if you weren’t retarded.
Shut the fuck up, troll.
Remember how Stacy Abrams existing made you cry on the internet?
End yourself.
You’re too stupid to have an opinion, be quiet.
Hush now, your betters are talking.
Nope, hungry ghosts like him never are.
It’s sad isn’t it? The internet gets bigger and bigger and yet it seems like there’s fewer and fewer ways for people to talk to each other over it.
O2 supply optional.
How else are they going to get mobile users to accidentally click on the neverfuckingending spew of ads that are the only thing to load in correctly on this godforsaken site?
Long and drawn out decline is the intended design, I’d imagine. If Twitter died completely tomorrow, something functional could fill the vacuum. This way they don’t have to spend any money or effort to keep it working while it still sucks up all the metaphorical oxygen in the room.
They were always gonna be mad about something. Fuck ‘em.
I'd be more inclined to watch this show if they all got killed and eaten by poor people in the finale.
Yes, you’d understand that if your weren’t a fucking idiot who’s scared of gays and girls. Now fuck off, troll.