
This is absolutely a thing! It is easy to self-identify with the aspects of your identity that make you part of a marginalized or oppressed group (side note, if it’s helpful: marginalized, oppressed, and nondominant are good general terms, and PoC is a good specific term, that are more accurate than “minority”), and

So many things went wrong with this investigation that it is hard for me to believe it was simply botched. From not knowing the difference between blacking out and passing out, to using outdated versions of laws, to inappropriately closing the case, to investigating the victim, to releasing the case info to the

These vibrators are far too expensive. I paid like $40 for one in college (7 years ago) and it has always been and is still amazing. Care to post any more affordable options? I mean, I have a boyfriend, I’m not looking to purchase an entire sex life, just supplement the package I’ve already invested in.

Except that cars nor dogs nor swimming pools were designed specifically to kill.

A friend of a friend had a housewarming party a few weeks ago and asked that those who are not current with their vaccines to please skip it. Too many babies in the family who haven’t completed their series of vax, along with an ill auntie. Well, that started a Facebook slap fight and ended with a lot of

I feel like as a liberal, I’m supposed to like Bill Maher, and I just don’t. He has some opinions that I agree with, and he says some funny things sometimes, but he’s so self-righteous and seems utterly unwilling to listen to anybody besides himself - even other liberals. No thanks.

Slightly off the subject, but when I became a (semi-retired) part-time on call employee, and therefore not exempt any longer, it COMPLETELY changed how I felt about working. For the first time in many years, I was actually happy when asked to work late, or over the weekend...or when senior management had yet another

So, so, SO happy about this. A workday is 8 hours. A workweek is 40 hours. Anything above that should be paid at a higher rate. It’s not “dedicated” or “ambitious” to sacrifice your rest, home life, and leisure hours for the greater good of a corporation. It’s being a cog in the gears, and it won’t ever stop without

I’ve been very happily married for decades. I know I’ve never cheated on my hub and truly believe he never has either. But I would not tell and would be furious with my husband for burdening me for his transgression, should such a thing ever happen.

Guys! I posted a couple months ago about trying to convince my husband into getting a cat. SUCCESS, everyone. Cute, fuzzy success. Dr Ian Malcolm the cat. He is as magnificent as his namesake.

There’s only two kinds or Repubicans these days anyway: Wealthy assholes, and non-wealthy people who consider it their civic duty to vote against their own self-interest.

Yep, and there are republican woman against other women’s reproductive rights, and there are poor people that vote republican, even though they advocate getting rid of the social safety net.

Well if you pay them enough sex workers will say anything, Senator.

‘Sofia: Unfreeze your daughters, unfreeze your heart.’

First they came for our dishware, and I did not speak out—

Tender Vittles are the cat version of crack. True story.

I was in a Starbucks yesterday and a gaggle of teenage girls, (I feel like gaggle isn’t right for teenage girls. A flock? A murder? A murder.) a murder of teenage girls came in behind me. As I finished my order, the barista (who was a treasure of a human being and recommended a kick-ass fruit sauce for baked brie)

First, congrats! Second... oh mylanta! I had a friend in high school (a boy, of course), who was eavesdropping on a conversation about new clothes we wanted to get and goes “Oh of course you like black... “ I ask why and he goes...”Because... it’s....uh....slimming.”

I’ve heard the variation that goes, “Most men don’t like women who have short hair like yours, but I love it.”