
In my experience women like this think of themselves as “one of the good ones.” “If other women could just get it right and think like them there wouldn’t be so many problems,” etc. It seems like a defense mechanism. It’s like they’re aware of the depth of sexism in our culture but instead of trying to combat it they

There’s no way a man should be able to run a country. They can’t even control themselves when young girls wear shorts or spaghetti straps.

My son is a McDonalds employee. Let me tell you about some of his coworkers. The manager works three full time jobs managing three different McDonalds. He often sleeps in his car if he's closed one and doesn't have enough time to go home before he has to open the next one. There is a husband a wife team who cooks the

I wonder how many customers, who were waiting for tables , walked out pissed after seeing Mrs. McWhinyface get bumped in front of them for being a cow or who were just put off by her foul language and didn't want their dining experience further ruined.

I was skimming and thought this was talking about Anirtak’s ex and I started to have some sympathy for a homeless little boy that was traumatized and then rescued but then I got to the catnip part and was like huh?

It happened to my male friend too! He was seated in the same row as an orthodox couple. Asshole had the aisle, woman had the middle, my friend hand the window.

I died, and then took the trouble to come back to earth, for people who want to take the celebration of my resurrection, turn it into a day about candy, and then who want to greedily shove aside the children who the candy is supposed to be for? Really?

No idea how the corporate math works. You'd also think keeping your employees happy would be good for the bottom line. But who can understand the superior logic of The Corporate Office.

STFU. There is nowhere near the same amount of nudity. And using terms like but hurt and sandy vagina makes you sound like a petulant child. Insulting someone for a comment not directed at them is ridiculous. I have had some great conversations with people on this site and have learned a lot but I loathe people like

I loved both! But I am a total book slut, so....

I dont know anything about this case but I do know innocent people take plea deals all the time. To say he wouldnt take a deal because he claimed he was innocent is complete bull and they have no idea if he would have taken a deal or not if offered.

Yep, nothing commemorates the victims of a horrible disaster more delightfully then souvenir life preservers.

What the fuck difference does it make if someone mistakenly says that the DEADLY FUCKING GAS is what they smelled instead of the thing that causes the DEADLY FUCKING GAS? Like, if there is a rattlesnake in front of you and I call it poisonous instead of venomous are you going to laugh at me and step on it because,

Good luck with your epic quit tomorrow. When I go in to work tomorrow I'm telling them I'm staying....out of spite. My manager wants me gone we all know it, but she loves putting on this wide-eyed innocent act about how she believes in me and supports me, but that 'other people' might have a "personal" problem with

I'm of the opinion that the family paid off that first detective. He was more than cold, uncaring, and condescending to the friends and family of Kathie. He was fighting to stay uninformed and fighting to not do his job.

Oh dear mother of God, I have a story. Back in the late 1990's in the NJ area there was a similar phone "dating" service that everyone just called "the line". I'd (male BTW) go on there looking for women and generally goofing around but it never went anywhere. Then this one woman kept leaving me steamy seductive

I can't possibly be the only server who thinks putting "extra love," whatever the hell that may mean, in a person's omelet is unconscionable, no matter how much of a dickwalrus the person is? I mean, unless "extra love" means "too much black pepper" or something. In my more than 20 years of serving, no matter how

Locally, this whole situation is like rolling over a log in the woods and seeing what bugs and worms are all seething underneath. I've seen a lot of folks' true selves as this has unfolded. All the policewives on my Facebook feed are "la la la we can't hear you, police are nothing but angelic creatures, delete me

This is why Joe Biden is my fantasy internet boyfriend. He gets so much shit for gaffes when 99% of the time, he's the smartest and most compelling guy in the room. Of course he would say this. Of course. I love him so much.