He's being smart. You reach young people by going on things they actually watch. He actually managed to be fairly funny, which is more than most can do.
He's being smart. You reach young people by going on things they actually watch. He actually managed to be fairly funny, which is more than most can do.
HOLY...SHIT. You....I.....dogs? He's... What...
These are hypothesis. Not theories.
I'm going with "the plane never existed and this is all a viral marketing campaign for Paranormal Activity 5".
"...undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection..."
Well, I found people called me 'bossy' more when I was younger. Specifically in assigned groups where we were getting nothing done and I decided to start asking people which task they wanted to take charge of. It happened a lot.
I think what people fail to realize when they say "She's just promoting fitness!" is that she isn't. By asking "What's your excuse?" on a photo of her, she's essentially asking what your excuse is for not looking like her, while also heavily implying that if you just weren't so lazy, you could totally look like this!…
This also shows how little bargaining power employees have these days. They can't negotiate for better terms as equals, because getting a job offer is like winning a lottery ticket.
I grew up in a poor town in Missouri, rather than Louisiana, but I think Salon's criticism is off. True Detective is a show about the ways in which rich white men who occupy positions of power have often abused that power at the expense of the marginalized, and then used their connections to erase that abuse from the…
Um. I would say there is an "adversity advantage along gender lines" all through high school— and before. Do most boys deal with getting objectified and cat-called even before puberty and forever after? Do boys not get called on as often and not have implicit assumptions made by teachers about their ability based on…
LANGUAGE. It's such a telling thing. Like, nobody ever admonished girls to "be a woman." What would that even mean? And "womanly" is most often used when people are referring to physical qualities—usually it just means "having a voluptuous figure." Which is not the kind of thing we mean when we talk about something…
There's no excuse for this. Management should add 15% to the total and inform patrons in advance that this will be part of their bill. Tell patrons you're sorry to do this because you know the patron you're talking to would NEVER stiff a wait staff but others do and your workers have bills to pay like everyone else.…
Wednesday nights are terrible. I worked at an ice cream store in Austin the summer before I went to college, and one Wednesday night due to a scheduling problem, the guy I was supposed to work with was stuck at his other job at the grocery store. So I was 17 and all alone in the store when the church across the street…
The problem is more with the fact that the corresponding use of "males" as a noun almost never occurs. Men are men, guys or if they're young, boys. It's rare to hear someone talk about "the males in my office" or "oh, that's just the way males behave" or "I just don't understand males." You may have even heard someone…
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
It's because it's totally dehumanizing. We usually use the term "female" to refer to animals, not human beings. It makes the fact of a person's femaleness more important that the fact of their humanity. It also lends a false air of objectivity and science to a lot of incredibly fucked-up ideas about how women…
Adults using children's rhyme's always end up sounding like serial killers or malevolent ghosts.